Chapter 1: The Broken and the Unspoken

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"Hey! Look, it's the little Ro-Ro! Why aren't you going down your stream?" a boy cheered. A handful of kids laughed full-heartedly. I sat quietly reading my book, refusing to respond to any comments.

Talking only makes it worse, I thought. Suddenly, the same boy who spoke snatched the book away and threw it into the trashcan.

"Fetch!" he sneered. I looked at the snobby boy but did not respond once more. I walked over to the trashcan and silently picked up the novel, removing various pieces of tissue.

"Snot-digger! Snot-digger!" the class chanted. Suddenly, the door opened, and the class went silent. Our science teacher, Mr. Jiemma Orlando, walked in, his hair slicked back with an extreme amount of hair gel, a symbol that meant change which was sometimes for better or worse. However, behind him, walking boldly, was a new kid, a boy. He had thick blonde hair and had a smug look on his face. Rogue sighed. It seemed like another jock to join the crowd.

"Everyone, I want to introduce you all to a new transfer student from Winterville Middle School. He's come here to East Sky Academy for a full honors course. Although he may be younger, treat him well. Alright then, introduce yourself!" Mr. Orlando exclaimed with pride. The boy bowed and looked at the class with a smile, revealing perfectly aligned teeth and revealing a single crystal hanging from his ear.

"Good morning, I'm Sting Eucliffe. I'm 12 years old and should be in seventh grade, but guess I'm here instead, in your eighth-grade class," he greeted.

"Nice to meet you!" the class called back. Mr. Orlando nodded.

"Treat him well as you treat anyone else," he stated stoically. "Mr. Eucliffe, you may sit next to Mr. Cheney, Rogue Cheney." I raised my hand slowly and the guy walked over and plopped down next to me. Almost immediately, he laid his head down and fell asleep. This guy got here on a full honors course, eh? I don't believe it. I bet he's just rich son who got his parents cash to back up his whole damn life. Some people like me actually had to work our way into the school. Oh wait, that was just me.

The whole class continued with an absence of life as Mr. Orlando rambled on and on about mitosis or something. I wrote down everything he said but didn't allow any of it to sink in. I was only looking forward to the final period of the day, a study hall in which no one cared if you stayed or not. It was the time when I could escape from everyone to a place that only I knew.

And so time passed with a double block algebra class, history in its wake, reading up the near finale, and physical education biting me on the rear. And the study hall came. I walked into the room, gave a glance towards the teacher who requested we all call her Cana, who nodded and marked me present before waving me off. She wasn't too into teaching but was a large enforcer on drugs (although it's suspected she kept it all for herself). And so I gathered up what was left of my pride and proudly walked down the empty hallways like I owned them. But it was around the corner I saw him again.

We collided and fell with a flurry of papers going every direction.

"I'm so sorry," a rushed voice said. Startled, I looked up to see the new kid. He seemed equally surprised as we held each other's gazes for a moment too long. He watched my red eyes while I stared into his blue ones which suddenly seemed slitted for a slight moment. I grasped myself and blinked away bashfully.

"No, no," I said. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Let me get those for you." I picked up as many papers as I could and handed him a reasonably sized stack.

"Thanks," he said cheerfully. And for a moment, I was silent with wide eyes. No one ever thanked other people here. It was every person for themselves, be it a rich man's son or not, this guy was just like the rest, right?

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