Chapter 9 ~ A miracle but miracles always come with consequeneces

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I thought I would carry on with the story here is chapter 9 💕 xx

Katniss POV:

I need to open my eyes I can't live without Prim she can't kill herself, she just can't! I fight open my eyes grab the knife out of prims hand and stand up, I feel stronger than I have ever felt before. The only person who I know in this room is Primrose my sweet little sister, everyone else has tried to kill me. I can't trust them anymore, I need to kill them before they try to kill me. I reach for my other knife in my shorts pocket, I always carry knives around with me, I take it out, know I have two knives. Time to kill these traitors before they kill me ....

Glimmer POV:

OH MY GOD, oh my god she is awake! She's awake!!! She's not dead it's a miracle! But miracles always come with consequences.

Katniss looks at me and her eyes they aren't grey.... there...there Black?! This isn't right, I swear Delly has something to do with it! Katniss grabs the knife from prim, reaches in her shorts pocket and pulls out another knife and stands up, slowly walking towards me and Finnick. I grab prim and pull her closer to me afraid that she might get hurt. "Let go of her!" She screams at me. The doctor gets his walkie talkie out and starts to call for more doctors. She then starts screaming at me and Finnick. "All of you tried to kill me! I will not let any of you near me or Prim! I don't know who you are but I will kill you before you try to kill me again!!" Finnick says very slowly "Glimmer, let go of Prim before she tries to hurt us!" I stand there shocked my best friend for 9 years doesn't remember me or any of the others only Prim and she wants to kill us! I let go of Prim and give her to Katniss "There you go now drop the knives Kat!" I say scared. I wish the others would come in here soon! I am so scared what if she hurts me and Finnick or even worse Prim?! "You guys need to stay here and don't move I will be right back ok? I need doctors fast just don't move and you will be alright!" The doctor says seriosuly. We both nod, he rushes out of the room talking in to his walkie talkie, running down the hall. I hear her him say to the others in the corridor "What ever you hear and no matter how much you want to go in there you must stay out here, it is to dangerous!" I hear his footsteps run off into the distance.

Katniss looks me dead in the eye. I swear I can see her eyes getting blacker, if that is even possible! Everything happens so quickly Katniss raises her arm and throws the knife in my direction, I scream an ear-piercing scream. Finnick shouts "NOO! Katniss stop it! She is your friend!" Then he pushes me out of the way but the knife gets stuck on my top and pins me to the wall! I hear shouting outside then the others come bursting in through the door. Annie and Clove scream, The boys stand there in shock but Johanna looks at the knife, she runs up to me and grabs the knife and turns round to Katniss and raises her arm slowly...

Johanna POV:

We are all sitting out in the corridor crying when Doctor Beetee I think his name is, comes sprinting out of the room, talking into his walkie talkie I hear him murmur "She's woken up but something is terribly wrong, I need doctors pronto" He turns to us and shouts "What ever you guys hear from in there you need to stay out here, it is to dangourous in there! You must stay out here!" he then sprints of down the corridor. The others go pale and don't move but I stand up slowly and I start to move towards the door when I hear Glimmer scream and Finnick shout "NO, Katniss stop it she is your friend!!!" I sprint in to the room the others following behind me. The sight I see terrifies me, Katniss is holding a knife and prim is standing behind her looking scared, Finnick is standing by Glimmer pale in the face, and Glimmer is pinned up against the wall with a knife pinned on to her top just missing her side! Annie and Clove scream, the boys just stand there frozen not knowing what to do. But I run up to Glimmer, grab the knife, turn towards Katniss and very slowly raise my knife so I am armed. But so is she. "Katniss sweetie, give me the knife now!" I say sweetly but deadly at the same time. She looks terrified and angry, she shouts "NO! YOU ALL TRIED TO KILL ME I WILL NOT LET ANY OF YOU NEAR PRIM, I DONT KNOW WHO ANY OF YOU ARE BUT I WILL KILL YOU BEFORE YOU TRY TO KILL ME AGAIN!!!" She has tears streaming down her face out of rage. She catches me off guard. She storms past me pushes Glimmer against the wall, grabs ahold of her throat. Katniss puts her knife to her throat and Glimmer starts to get tears in her eyes then starts to breathe heavily and she chokes out "Kat please we have been best friends for 9 years don't do this to me please!" Doctor Beetee comes running in with several doctors behind him and gasps at the sight in front of him. Glimmers hands go up to her throat and her eyes roll to the back of her head and she passes out falling to the ground. "NOO!" Cato shouts running over to Glimmer. Doctor Beetee comes over to her, injects something into Kat's arm, her eyes roll to the back of her head. I hear her whisper "1 down 8 to go" before she loses consciousness and lands on the cold hard ground with a evil smile on her lips.



So guys I thought I got enough votes to continue with the story but I seriously need some more votes worth me continuing this story!!x

All characters belong to Suzanne Collins!

Wow guys over 900 reads and this story has only been up around 2 months thanks guys! Your the best! Will post chapter 10 when I think I got enough votes!

Vote,comment,share and follow please!!! 🙈

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