lowkey bitch rant

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So a lot of people seem to wonder why I made the story in sams point of view because they think it fits colby better

To be somewhat blunt

Sam is more serious while Colby is more free spirited.

I mean Colbys always out doing stupid (but fun) stuff with Brennen and Nik, and yeah Sam's there sometimes, but he's usually just chilling on his laptop.

Sam seemingly tends to think more philosophically. Colby does too, but not to the same extent. Sam is 'definitely' (boi idk their life) lost in thought more than Colby.

I mean, im not some expert on them or stalker fan, but just from watching videos, especially their personal channel vids, you can really tell the difference in their personalities. More than you can on their collab channel.

Both personalities are lovable and they fit together perfectly. But Sam is seemingly the one thats a bit more hesitant with things. 

I mean I could be completely wrong. Colby would be some hella stiff that only records videos after thinking it over 100 thousand times and Sam could be some crazy fucker like 'lets not think this over at all' kind of person. But idk bc i dont know them personally. I just wrote this more off of what i felt fit them better

Not saying that sams dumb enough to smoke a shit ton of weed and go off on a monologue on how much he loves colby. Or that colby would drag out a whole story just to make torture sam tho.

I mean its all just a fic after all.

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