A wild news report

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When the alarm went off in the morning I saw Tammy had already snagged the shower. It was getting close to breakfast time so I quickly changed, I could shower later. Tammy just came out of the bathroom when the door opened.

“Morning sleepy face!” Sandra grinned and we headed off to the dining hall.

“How did you sleep?” I asked.

“Oh, I had a night terror, but it was okay in the end. Other than that I slept like a babe.” We took our seats and then two people showed up and hugged Sandra from behind.

“Olive and Kayla meet Kim. Kim meet the gang!” Sandra didn’t even look up at the people but I took in the twin girls. They weren’t identical, but they were similar. Both had tanned skin and brown locks, but Olive had dazzling blue eyes and Kayla had fogged eyes and very thick lenses. She held one of those walking sticks with a ball on the end. I guessed she would be blind.

“Hi!” I smiled at them and they both smiled back.

“How was the Earth museum?” Sandra asked. They started talking about my world and I fell silent. I couldn’t help think about Ruby or my old school, my old life.

“Hey dipshits. Did you find out any more about that lump of rock?” Ethan appeared across from us with a girl with dark red hair and fey wings in tow. Again he ignored the uniform of white shirt, red pants and tie. He wore a green T shirt and jeans. Kyle also had a girl on his arm but as soon as she saw us she huffed and stormed away. What was that about? I got that Kyle was popular but seriously? I glared at the group and they grinned. They told the kids across from us to scram and they grabbed a few things off of the conveyor belt, including the muesli I had been eyeing off. Luckily another one came around and I snagged it. Olivia opened her mouth to reply but was interrupted.

“Today’s announcements are coming from two of our students and it will be imperative to listen.” My father’s voice boomed through the room. I heard Sandra’s breath becoming shallow.

“Are you okay?” I whispered. She nodded and stood.

“Good morning everyone. I’m Sandra, and I wanted to talk to you all about the invitations that you would have received by now. It is no secret that there is a ball being held next week on friday in celebration of my brother coming of age to rule. It is formal and made for all of us, it is what would be prom in the human realm. A few things need to be cleared up. A four course meal will be provided, so any dietary concerns need to be reported to our head chef Martha. You can find her at the teacher’s lounge after breakfast. You cannot bring other family members and most certainly not mortals. I am truly thankful for everyone volunteering their time and service and hope that you all enjoy it.” She flashed a smile and sat down. There was a quick round of applause and Ethan stood up.

“Yeah, my sister pretty much covered it except for why the ball is being held. It has been decided that Wonderland will need a Queen to rule by my side when the time comes and a prince to be with Sandra. I also need every male student meeting me after lunch in the main library. You will be excused from your classes. I hope you all have a crappy day.” He grinned menacingly at his audience and sat down.

“You did great.” I said to Sandra after a round of applause. She nodded a thankyou and dug into her food.

“Ugh this is so good! I have never tasted a bowl of cereal this amazing before.” She grinned at me trying to ignore the subject. I turned back to mine but the girl attached to Ethan snarled at Sandra. Immediately my stomach clenched.

“Have you got a problem?” I sneered. Venom was dripping from my voice. Sandra looked at me confused. The girl gulped.

“Not one that concerns you. I’m Ally. You’re new so I’m going to forgive your behaviour.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2014 ⏰

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