Wonderland Academy

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I was banging on the door of my house, trying to get back inside but my parents had locked me out and told me to do my chores. Sure I had been playing Pokemon until my parents got home, and should have had my chores done but my big brother had wiped my card and filled my slots with crappy magikarp.

I had reluctantly replayed all the levels and made it to the last gym when the door was flung open and my mother stepped inside.

"Kimberly-Ann McDonald! Why in hell's name are your chores not done?" She shouted at me with a Texas accent. I only had a small twang thanks to my father wanting his kids to be raised in his hometown, Cairns Australia.

I had tried to explain to her that Kyle had wiped my game but she grabbed my DS from my hands, "If your chores aren't done by the time the sun goes down then you won't be going to the cinema tomorrow!" She flicked the power button on my console and I cringed knowing I would have to redo the last 20 minutes.

"What! Sunset is in half an hour!" I exclaimed knowing I had to pressure clean the driveway, weed the front garden and put down fresh mulch.

"Better get going then kiddo." My dad was bringing in the last of the groceries from the car and he locked the door behind me.

By the time I had finished my work and turned around. A weird silhouetted figure was walking up the driveway.

"Can I help you?" I tried to ask nicely but it came out snappy because my gardening gloves got caught on the little ring I always wore.

There was no reply. The person just kept walking up the driveway slowly. Then as the sun set behind the hill and the oranges and purples abruptly switched to charcoal, I saw a glint by the figures hand. A blade was drawn and I saw the carved wooden hilt of the dagger. The figure cracked it's neck and flexed it's muscles before letting out a small deep throated chuckle. I quickly ran to the door and slipped on the wooden steps. My knee was bleeding and I quickly scrambled for the rails. I made it to the door and whacked on it so hard my hands were stinging. I looked behind me. The figure was just making the steps. The door finally opened and I locked it behind me.

"What the hell are you doin'?" Mum cried out. A gentle knock on the door sounded and my dad went to get it. He opened it saw the knife and a flame shot out of his hands. The person in all black screamed and fell back. My mum got up from the couch and grabbed her phone. She dialled who I thought were the police.

"Madge, we need the kids safe Now!" My mum was angry and scared. So it wasn't the police.

"Okay, We'll take the tunnel. See you in ten." My Mum hung up and dragged me down the stairs. She pushed me into my room. Grab the black bag from under your bed. Your DS and phone are in the top draw of your cupboard. I didn't know why she was telling me this, I didn't have a bag under my bed and I knew she would have my confiscated stuff hidden until I wasn't grounded anymore. I went to my cupboard thinking about my dad and the flames that had flown out of his hands. My dad is a frickin' flamethrower. I found my stuff and looked hastily under my bed. I used tho stash shit under there when Mum told me to clean my room but early last year she found out and made me clean it. Sure enough I found a black bag. How did that get there? It was a large backpack and when I opened it was full of clothes and random stuff. I quickly put my electronics in there and last minute grabbed my jewellery box and earphones from my desk.

I didn't know where we were going but I didn't want to stay with a psychotic guy with a knife upstairs either. I found mum and Kyle in the cyclone shelter and my dad wasn't too far behind me. Kyle had a blue bag the same style, Mum's was a deep purple and she held Dad's green one in her hand. She hit the stone wall five times and then kicked the bottom. A handle popped out from one of the now broken bricks. Dad pushed open the door and moved us inside. Inside the tunnel there was a film of plastic.

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