An invitation and memory

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“You should be able to change yourself back with a bit of training but at the moment I suppose we should see about getting you one of the backless uniforms for those with permanent wings. You’re lucky, Dragonblood’s have untold abilities though they often take years to master. Once you graduate there are a few dragon clans in the nation but none on earth, you can go and find out a bit about yourself. And we usually have the clans come and visit frequently seeking out potential members. There should be a visit in a couple of months or so.” Sandra grinned at me again and I couldn’t help but grin back. It was overwhelming but I was not going to let that take away the awesomeness of finally discovering my ability. We went in search of the storeroom and Sandra grabbed my a few shirts that had low dips at the back. They looked weird but when I tried it on after cutting my old one off it fit well and was a lot more comfortable.

I went outside and Sandra smiled at me. “Believe it or not, that was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen watching you change. But we do have to get you back to class. So let’s go. I’ll see you at lunch!” She lead me to class, hugged me goodbye and made me pinkie swear to sit with her at lunch and not ditch her. It was the most Ruby thing I had seen while I was here and it was refreshing. I gulped down at my scales. I thought they were beautiful with the light shining off them like obsidian discs. Everyone else could find it scary. I took a deep breath and with one hand holding my books and the other on the handle I counted to three and opened the door. I quickly went to my mat and sat down. I opened my book and listened to my Dad. When he realised I was different he stopped speaking and stared at me. Just like everyone else.

“Great, now that everyone knows their ability and where they come from we are going to stand up and say what the ability is and which of the five parts it came from.” My Dad smiled at me he wanted an excuse for me to tell everyone what I was. We went around the room again and when he reached me I smiled broadly.

“The part Historical and I’m a Dragonblood.” I sat back down and watched the exact moment that realisation dawned on their faces. My Dad grinned proudly but quickly moved onto the next person. Soon we were reminded on our homework of researching our abilities and testing how extensive our skills were. I already knew I’d be doing that, homework assignment or not. I was excited for lunch and found Sandra sitting on two seats so one didn’t get taken. I tapped her shoulder. She grinned and moved over.

“Thanks for saving me a seat.” I sat down and wanted to grab the cheese and vegemite toasted sandwich in front of me (Sounds gross, tastes amazing! I dare you to try it!).

“No prob! I would introduce you to the rest of my friends, but they are all on an excursion, so it’s just me and you today.” She smiled at me but her frown disappeared when Ethan sat across from her.

“Yo sis.” He grinned and grabbed a plate of food off the conveyor.

“Hey Bro.” Her voice was filled with venom. “What did Dad have to say?”

“Not much just stuff about the ball next week. You know the one where I’m supposed to find a princess and you’re supposed to find a prince. That sort of thing. He’s convinced himself he wants to retire early and nothing I say will stop him.” He grinned at Sandra’s annoyed look and went on eating his lunch. I snagged the toasted sandwich and Sandra glared at me.

“What? It’s my favourite.” She rolled her eyes and turned back to Ethan. “Convince him to stay on the throne a little bit longer. We’re too young to get married.” She hissed the words beneath her breath and glanced around the room to make sure no one else heard her.

“Wait, you’re sixteen right?” I asked and when she nodded I continued. “Why on earth would you get married so young, isn’t Ethan the heir?”

“Dad wants me in safe hands before he hands over the throne. If I don’t choose someone it will be arranged.” She visibly shuddered at the thought and I sighed with her.

“Better check out all the hot guys then sis.” Ethan smiled. I rolled my eyes.

“If it’s safety and love you’re after you should just look out for a nice guy.” Wow that sounded cliché even to me, and I was the one saying it. She nodded. Ethan smirked and we both glared at him.

“Can we just talk about something else? Like how Kimmy turned into a Dragonblood in the space of 10 minutes?” Ethan snickered and I frowned at him calling me Kimmy. Only Ruby should call me that. I missed her. She was my sister, my best friend, when we got married we’d be each other’s bridesmaids and when we had kids we’d be the godparents. We had already started saving for a flat so we could be roommates when we graduated. Now I didn’t even know if I’d see her again.

“I tested her.” Sandra said and looked at me concerned. “What’s wrong?”

“What? Nothing’s wrong I’m just thinking about what happened in the test, it was all so surreal.” I grinned but I think she saw it was fake. She didn’t ask me about it though.

“Well nice seeing you and all, actually it wasn’t. I’m supposed to give you this, my Dad said. Adios, Kyle and I are gonna hand out some invites for the ball, you had better start too sis.” Ethan chucked an envelope at me and left. I looked Sandra and she sighed. I opened the envelope and pulled out a beautiful handmade card. It was white with gold trim and a piece of paper fell out of it. I picked it up

To Kim,

The last time I saw you was when I was eight, you must have been seven. You told me not to throw stuff at the ducks unless it was bread. Then you gave me some bread and I threw it at you. That was when my mother had passed away. I decided to leave for Earth, your father had told me so much about you and your brother going to the beach and to the park. So when I got there your father was about to come through the portal. I told him I wouldn’t go back until I saw either the beach or a park. He took me to the park and I pushed your brother into the lake. We became friends at the park and then the humans attacked us all, but when your father fought them off they said they would be back. You have been here before but only to have your memory wiped. I was hoping I could tease you again.

I’m writing this because with the invitation to the ball I’m supposed to write a personal message, and I thought you should know that you’ve been here before. You were also very close with Sandra the week you went through a memory wipe. She thinks of you as a sister, and I do too, a little sister who is going to be a lot of fun to annoy.


I was shocked to say the least by his note and even more so when I opened the card to read that I was invited as a close friend to the royal family and am invited to be a guest at the ball that the others were talking about.

“I knew it!” Said Sandra. She smiled and did a happy dance. “We’re going shopping after school.”

I was excited to see everything and eager to get something new but it sounded to me like this shopping trip would go on for a long time.

After lunch I had Earth theory for the day. I think I was going to Ace that class.

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