the unfortunate first day

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I woke up to a bell through the room. I remembered where I was and got up and dressed into my uniform. It took away any chance my body had at imitating curves. It was chilly so I grabbed the school cardigan and pulled the soft red wool onto my shoulders. I was brushing my teeth when I heard the door open. I saw my roommate smile at my side of the room before quickly putting away the things in her bag. She was already dressed in uniform and introduced herself as Tammy when I came out of the bathroom. The bell rang again.

"It's time for breakfast. All you need is your book." She held hers up it was grey cracked leather with the same school crest and writing down the side. I held up mine.

"Cool, you got the new one. It has colour pictures, mine doesn't."

She grabbed mine and handed me hers. I found out she loved swimming and was born only two days before me. We headed to the main hall and I followed her to a seat.

"Kimberly this is Dylan, Tyler, Alana and Jane." Tammy introduced me and they all said hi. Dylan had mused dark hair and green eyes. I could tell he was a werewolf after he growled at one of the vampire students. Tyler could apparently read minds and my new albino friend was very kind. Alana could bend water and her blonde hair was sun bleached and skin tanned from surfing. Jane had brown hair and glared at me, she was a witch.

"Hey, I'm Kim. My Dad just had us transferred from Earth." They smiled at me, all except Jane we had small talk and soon MOST of us were friends. I looked around the huge room and noticed the sushi train conveyor belt in the middle of each 40 seat table. Chefs were piling on food and the belt kept going around and around the table. I had my heart set on a lemon and poppy seed muffin and some fruit salad. There were thousands of people in the one hall and I had met only half a dozen of them. Tammy was staring over her shoulder so I looked. Kyle was with the Jocks as always. He pointed at me and I made out the word sister on his lips. I ran my hands through my hair and leant back in my chair ready to be teased in some way. The guy he was talking to though looked mean. He didn't wear the uniform and his hands were in his pockets he glared at people and snickered at other people's expense. He was however unbelievably hot. The outline of his muscles could easily be seen through his long sleeved black shirt. He wore rugged dark jeans and his jawline was strong and sculpted. He had gorgeous deep blue eyes but when he tripped over a kid I stopped looking at the worthless piece of eye candy.

My brother kept talking to him and they both sat at what must have been the popular table. Mr Mean took that moment to look at me. I glared at him and his tone softened but hardened again and he started to rise out of his seat.

"Good morning teachers and students. Welcome back." My father's voice sounded through the room.

"Good morning Headmaster McDonald" The students replied.

"Please open your specialty books to the first page, these are the new students. I trust you all to make them feel welcome."

I shot daggers at the picture of me smiling at the camera. Ruby had been cropped out and so had the bubbles. Kyle's was his profile picture. A girl called Ginny also smiled at her camera.

"Classes start as usual half an hour after breakfast has ended. I hope you all enjoy your day and an assembly will be held tonight. Eat well." My dad's voice finished floating through the room and I looked in front of me to see the muffin right there. I grabbed it off the belt and Tammy grabbed two orange juices and gave one to me.

"Thanks. Hey what's your ability?" I asked her while grabbing two fruit salads and passing her one.

"I'm a shape shifter, I can turn into anything for up to 7 hours. What about you?" She smiled and started eating bits of apple.

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