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It's the most romantic thing I've ever seen. Beautiful dim lights, candles, and a bed with an appropriate two pillows, completely accessorised with rose petals and a wine bucket. "Anton," I start, my voice full of awe and wonder, "This is for me?"

"Of course it's for you," he replies. "It's for us."

I turn to him and chuckle. "You can't be serious."

"I am serious, Rose. You've been away from me for 12 years. Do you know how much I've missed you? How many times I wished that I was right here, by your side, for the rest of my life? How many times I've worried that something might have happened to you, that you might have hurt yourself badly, even that you might've died? How many times-" his voice starts to crack "-I've cried because I've wanted you so badly? I don't think you do. I don't think you ever will.

"Rose, what I feel for you...it's more than love, okay? It's something different, something more, something special. I've felt it ever since we first met all those years ago. I still feel it, I feel it right now. I felt it when I kissed you that time. I know we were young then," he chuckles, "But who cares? I still wanted to be with you. Even as a man, with a smarter mind and everything, my feelings for you never fade, Rose. I don't think that they ever will. And now, since you're here, with me, there's something, something I've wanted to tell you for a very, very long time."

"What is that?" I ask. I can already sense what it is. I feel water creeping into my eyes, only because I am riveted to the core by what he is saying to me. 

He comes over to me, grabbing me by the waist, and gently places his hand on my face, guiding my ear up to his mouth. My heart bursts into five million pieces when he whispers, "I love you, Rose Annalise Schwartz. I want you to be mine." 

I turn my face out of his grasp and look at him, the most sincere look in both of our eyes. I already know what's going to happen, the thing I've been anticipating for the past 12 years of my life. I close my eyes and angle my face up to his, expecting him to kiss me, and he does. Soft and slow, just the way I love it. I feel those all too stereotypical fireworks, only this time, they're real. I can feel my heart soar and I let my mind reassure it, that it has finally found a home. He lets his hands gently slide down the length of me only to stop just shy of my hips. Our lips continue to move together in sync as I slowly began to fall back onto the bed, pulling him on top of me as I do it. His lips begin to move to my neck, gently kissing and exploring the lengths of it as I whisper back to him, "I love you too."  

Suddenly, our moment is ruined as a certain Mr. Robinson bursts through the room door. "Hey, Anton, Soph wanted to know if you-- whoa," he says, noticing what we were doing and how the room was set. 

"Ah, shit, Porter," Anton says, getting off of me and smoothing his shirt out. "You always come around at the worst times."

"I didn't know, man," he says, looking as innocent as ever. "I'll leave you two alone with each other." And with that, he closes the door, and I know he must feel awkward as hell - I know I would. Anton faces me again and says, "Horrible timing."

"Tell me about it," I say, laughing. "But did you mean what you said?" 

"I meant everything that I said, Rosie," He says to me, smiling honestly. "I love you."

I smile at him, sit up, and lean in. "I love you too, Anton," I say, kissing him softly on the lips and standing up. "One question, though," he says.


"Where does this leave us? I mean...we love each other. Why should we stop?"

"Well, you did ask me. So...I'm yours."  

second time around // zedd Where stories live. Discover now