The Rest of My Life

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Sophia, Porter, Anton, and I all head inside the tour bus, and HOLY. SHIT. Sophia and I gasp in awe at what we see. A luxury tour bus -- no, screw that, hotel inside of a bus -- awaited us. Marble floors, glossy painted wood, suede couches, beautiful lights...I nearly faint at what this is. It looks like a movie theatre we could live in! I turn around to hug Anton tightly and yell, "Thank you so much!!"  

He laughs. "No problem, Rosie. Now come on, I gotta show you to your room." He leads me to the back and I see that there are at least 5 rooms available in total on both floors. Three are taken, I see -- by Anton, Porter, and a third person I haven't met yet -- and two were empty, clean, and neat, one on the first level, and one on the second. "Which one do you want?" He asks.  

"Um, the one down here," I say. 

"Good choice," he says, chuckling. "Mine is down here too." 

I walk in and my jaw drops. It looks like a hotel room, I swear! "Oh my God, Anton," I say. "You can't be serious."

"Hey, it's your room," he says. 

I'm still shocked by what I see. "This is just so amazing." I turn around to face him. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, again," He says, smiling. "Now put your things up; we've got like two more months on the road." I groan in false emotion when in real life, I'll have nothing to do or catch up on. Thank the Lord I got fired last week. Hm. That may be the only time I'll be able to say that. I laugh as I hear Sophia fangirling over her new room upstairs. She might have been enjoying this more than me. I collapse onto the bed and try to let it all sink in. 

Anton has now gone and I am busy putting the clothes I chose to bring with me into the different shelves and drawers. I'm almost done when I hear footsteps coming up to me. I turn around and subconsiously hug the person, thinking it is Anton, yet when I pull away, it isn't. I jump in shock when I see a boy, about Anton's height or a little taller, with swoopy dark brown hair. He looks pretty young -- no older than 21, that's for sure."Well, somebody's happy to see me," he says in a smooth French accent, laughing. 

"I-I-I'm sorry, " I say, the stuttering a result of my embarassment. My face flushes bright red. "I-I-I t-thought you were A-Anton." 

"No worries," he says. "I'm Hugo. Anton's told me a lot about you...Rose, isn't it?"

"Yeah," I say, no stutter in my voice this time around. "I'm Rose."  

"Well," He says, sitting on my bed, "Welcome to our humble abode." He chuckles. "Like it so far?"

"Yeah, it's um..." A dream? Amazing? No. Too strong. Think of something else. "...really, really nice."

"Hopefully I could get to know you, besides what Ant's told me." 

"Actually, I was gonna put these clothes up and head to sleep."

"Oh, I could help you," he says, reaching for my almost fully unpacked suitcase. 

"No thanks," I say. "I'm almost done. Besides, you could talk to me tomorrow morning."

Hugo sighs. "I guess I could," he mumbles sadly. I do feel sorry for him, and how eager he was to befriend me.

"'Night, gorgeous," he says, leaving. I blush hard.

"G-Goodnight, H-Hugo," I say. FUCK! What is with me and stuttering all of a sudden? It doesn't matter anyway. Though Hugo may have succeded in making my heart race for a while, I'm not here for him. For God's sake, I barely know him. I'm here for Anton, and he's all I'm going to focus on. I finish unpacking and head into the shower before throwing on my night clothes and heading to bed.  

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