The Hopeless

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Rose's P.O.V.

Tuesday, November 15th, 2005.

San Diego, California, United States.

"Out of the way, asshole."


"Can't you even understand English? Or are you just that stupid?"

"Fucking bitch..."

These were just a few of the terms I heard every single day in American high school. Since the day I started, 3 years ago, my life has been hell. I was in the 10th grade on this specified date, and I had already been bullied insanely too many times. Throughout my last leg of middle school and my freshman year, I had been called many things, mainly having to do with my nationality - "nazi" and "killer" were among the names - and by this point, I had it up to the neck with these kids. I walked quietly, as usual, to my social studies class and slumped down into the desk. Our teacher wasn't at school that day, so only a few kids were in my class. I daydreamt, about everything, and doodled in my notebook. Dragons, stars, people, places, anything I could think of to take my mind off the torture I endured day by day. My mind settled on one particular thing though - Anton. I wondered how he was doing. I wondered if he had gone and done something he would soon regret. I wanted to call him, to speak to him, to be with him so badly, as I still felt loved by him, but couldn't because of a lack of resources. I wanted him horribly. I wanted him to save me from this wreckage and take me to a safe haven with him. I needed him. But he vowed to see me again, right? I dreamt about that wondrous day. We run into each other on the streets, or in a coffee shop, or at a concert, and we love each other like we've never loved before. Oh man, I couldn't wait for that day. I would wait for him no matter how long it took. I wanted him to be here. I noticed that I kept writing his name in my notebook, but it progressed from normal handwriting into sloppy cursive, which proves how much I was in my thoughts and still in love with him. Soon the bell rang for my next period, and, as I should have predicted, I was met with the floor as someone decided to trip me on my way out, and laugh about it as he or she walked away.

I hated this fucking school.


Monday, August 2nd, 2010.

Los Angeles, California, United States.

Sunday, wake up,

Give me a cigarrette,

Last night's love affair is looking vunerable in my-y-y-y bed...

Marina's Obessions couldn't have applied to anyone's else life more than it did mine. That exact same situation just happened to me for the third straight week, and I always found myself slumped against my bedroom wall, with a bottle of some sort of alcohol in my hand, drinking it, mascara and eyeliner running from the overwhelming amount of tears I cried. At this point, I could only say one thing:

My life sucks.

It had been 8 years now since I last saw Anton. I wanted to give up, I needed to give up, but I just...I just couldn't for the death of me. I wrote his name on my arms in a drunken state of lonliness and disheartening so many times that I even considered getting it tattooed on me. Why the fuck not, I thought. I'm nothing anyway. I was the absolute worst nineteen-year-old girl the world has ever seen. Sure, I was in college, working on my degree, majoring in Musical Theatre, but for God's sake, I was so sad. I was sad because my childhood friend still flooded my mind with constant thoughts of love and starting over. I knew he wasn't coming back for me, so why should I even try? I hated myself. I hated my life. I hated everything and it wasn't fair. I repeatedly asked myself, Is this what I've become? A ball full of hate? And it looked to me like I was right. But what was I going to do about it? Absolutely nothing, that's what. I was going to go to the bar again tonight for sure, but I didn't even feel like drinking. I had to get rid of these feelings somehow, and that was the only way I knew to do so.

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