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My face turns the palest of pale white when I see Anton standing right in front of me. I could examine that his face had lost all emotion and had the deer-in-headlights effect when he sees me as well. "What's...what's wrong with you two?" Sophia says, confused.

"Einmal," I say. You guessed it -- one day in German.

"What?" Soph says.

"Einmal."Anton says back to me.

"Okay, what the HELL is going on here?" I feel bad for Sophia, that she doesn't understand the revolution that just happened in our heads.

Anton smiles widely at me as I do the same, and he hugs me so tightly that he ends up spinning me around. "Rosie!!" He half-shouts.

"Anton!!" I shout back.

"Wait...YOU TWO KNOW EACH OTHER?!" Sophia says, majorly confused.

"Oh my god," Anton says, pulling me away from him. "How long has it been?"

"Eleven years," I say. "Eleven of the worst years of my life."

"Yeah, well I've got you again now, and no moving back to Berlin without me." He says, and we both laugh. "Rosie, you look" It appears that he's trying to find the right word.

"So what?" I say.

"," Anton says, as I notice that his eyes are scanning my body. I blush and look down at my clothes. "Yeah, puberty hit hard," I said, chuckling.

Sophia steps in between us. "Okay," she says, turning to both of us, "Someone catch me up to speed. Because this shit is not working."

"Well," Anton says, explaining, "Rosie and I were best friends for so long back in Germany and then when she was twelve she moved to America and I thought I'd never see her again but I mean just...look at her," Anton says, motioning towards me. "She looks amazing now."

"You should see her without makeup," Sophia mumbles under her breath. I nudge her in the side.

"She'd be beautiful even then," Anton says. I blush even harder. "Did you have any more boyfriends?"

"No, actually! It was just you, kind of," I say, sighing. "It was always you."

Anton smiles at me. "That's great to hear," he says laughing.

"But look at you!" I say. "You're even hotter!"

"I try my best," he says. "What's your friend's name?"

I feel as if he's interested in her all of a sudden. "Sophia," I say flatly.

"Sophia," he says to her, "Could we have a moment alone?"

"Um, sure," she says, and mouths "Good luck!" to me while leaving.

I look at Anton and smile. "I have missed you for so long," I say.

He looks from my face down to my feet and back again, before he grabs my hand and pulls me into a tight hug. He holds me like it is the last time we will ever see each other, which, in the sad reality, it might be. I can feel Anton smiling as his head is on my shoulder. I can hear him let out a deep breath and say, "I have waited almost twelve years to be with you, liebe."

I smile and sigh. "You know, Sophia was kind of right. This has been my best birthday ever."

Anton smiles and holds my head to his chest. "Happy birthday, Rosie. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to perform." RIGHT. I'm so caught up in my feelings I completely forgot about the show. I clear my throat and say, "Right. You should, um, get going."

second time around // zedd Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin