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"What..? Of course you know me! I'm your boyfriend!" Hau hissed, desperation in his eyes.

"Boy.. friend? I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to date." Gladion gave him a weak smile, confused.

Moon rushed to their side. "Not to, uh, ruin the moment, but you've kinda alerted security by making this scene. We should probably get going!" She grabbed their hands, and flinched as Gladion quickly pulled away, now obviously agitated.

"Look, I don't know who the two of you are, or what you're trying to do, but I recommend you leave before I have security personally detain you." Gladion spat.

"I don't understand.. What did they do to you..?" Hau backed up, hurt in his eyes.

   Moon glanced over to see the employees were heading over to them. "We have to go, I don't care if you're brain washed or whatever!" Moon grabbed their wrists tightly, rushing into the elevator. Before they knew it, they were on their way to the lower floor, as an alarm sounded. Moon cursed under her breath, and as soon as the elevator opened she rushed over to their boat, pulling them behind her. She practically threw them in, before starting the boat and quickly leaving the Foundation.

   "T-This is kidnapping! What the hell is wrong with you two!?" Gladion yelled, fear plastered on his face.

   "Gladion! You have to remember us! We've known each other for awhile! Try to remember the last few days!" Hau insisted, grabbing his hands.

   "The last few days..?" Gladion paused, thinking back... His head began to pound, and he felt dizzy, and the motion of the boat bouncing on the ocean wasn't helping. He tried to go to the edge, but his dizziness stopped him, and he tumbled to the floor of the boat. Hau rushed to his side.

   "Keep it together back there!" Moon hissed.

   Gladion looked up at Hau, "I can't.. Think. What are you doing to me?" He felt like crying, but instead, he fell into something between sleep and passing out.

   Hau shook him a bit, and then checked for a pulse. Alive. What was going on here? Gladion stayed peacefully asleep all the way back to the islands.

   "What do we do with him..?" Hau asked Moon, who thought for a moment.

   "He'll have to live with you for now.."

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