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                   Day One

"I know he seemed a bit overwhelmed, but do you really think he would just leave? I mean, Lillie ended up leaving pretty quickly after that Aether lady showed up, but she said bye. She's pretty much shut me out though.. She hasn't heard from Gladion though, so at least we know that."
Moon sighed, cleaning up party streamers.

   "Well I don't know what else to think! He completely ditched me at the party! He just ran, not even looking back at me." Hau pouted, staring at the old glow sticks strewn about. By now, there was no glow.

   "Maybe he had anxiety or something?" Moon thought out loud.

   "That doesn't mean he can't return any calls. I texted him saying how worried we are! He even read it for crying out loud!" Hau sighed, "Maybe I should just go to the hotel and force him to talk to me!"

   "No, no, even if we are worried, if he wants to be alone, its best to give him some space." Moon put her hand on his shoulder. "I know it's frustrating, but just give him awhile."

                  Night One

   11:03 : Hey, Gladion. I know you need space, but at least tell me if you're alright.
   11:05 : Please.

   11:06 : I see you reading these! Just text me back, say something.

   11:06 : ...

   11:07 : Fine! Whatever

   12:39 : Good night. I love you.

                Day Three

   Hau picked up his ringing phone, hoping it was Gladion. Yet, it was Moon calling. "Hey. Have you heard from him yet? It's been a couple days."

   Hau hadn't done much the second day, locking himself in his room. He felt frustrated by everything, and found himself staring at his messages with Gladion. Everything that he sent was being read, but there was never any response.

   "No, he hasn't texted me back." Hau responded simply.

   He heard a quiet sigh. "If you really want to, go to the hotel. I know you're desperate, so go see if he's okay. Maybe it's what he wants." Moon sounded anxious, and he could tell she was was worried.

   "Right. I'll head over." Hau hung up, before quickly heading to the hotel. He arrived at Gladion's room. He knocked a few times, yet heard nothing. "Gladion! It's me!" He yelled, not caring if he looked strange to the people walking by. He frowned; no response.

   He entered the motel's lobby. "Hey, um, this is kinda weird but I'm really worried for my friend. He's in the room right next door. Do you think someone could let me in?"

   The older man at the desk laughed a bit. "The person in that room is long gone. He paid for the rest online, and when we sent room cleaning, the room was already spotless!"

   Hau was confused -- had Gladion just left him? What was going on..? What would cause Gladion to disappear? Had he not really cared about Hau, or Moon?

   He went home, and ignored his phone. Moon called a few times, but Hau ignored her attempts at reaching him. He didn't feel like opening up to anyone.

                   Night 3

   10:34 : I went to your motel room today. The guy at the front desk laughed when I asked about you. Where did you go, Gladion? Why..?

   Gladion is typing...

   10:37 : Leave me alone. I don't care for you.

                 Day Four

   6 Missed calls from Moon, 19 Messages. That was what he woke up to. He ignored them. Gladion had finally responded last night, only to push Hau farther away. Was it true? Once again, he found himself wondering; What's going on?

   He went on a walk, and visited the malasada shop where they met, Malie where they shared a fun day of shopping, and a fun night of festivities. He walked by the motel where they shared their nights together, and the edge of the water where Team Skull had attacked. No sign of Gladion in any of these places, of course. He went home, and finally decided to check up on the messages, sent from Moon. There was a lot, but one popped out. "I think it's possible, and Lillie seemed really shaken! I'm betting on it, that Gladion was kidnapped."

   He immediately called. She immediately answered. "Finally! I've been trying to reach you! Lillie admitted a lot to me last night, how the Aether Foundation really is. That lady - Er, Lusamine - was their mom! She is enraged at them for taking the pokemon she was using, hurting, and escaping their labs. She said Lusamine never leaves their artificial island, but she came to the party. She must've caught wind of it from all of your posters! We.. We have to check!" Moon seemed really shaken, and her voice was wavy, cracking. She sounded like she hadn't slept. She was too caring.

   "Then let's go. Meet me at the docks." Was all he said, and then headed over.

   "Are you sure you want to do this? It could be dangerous." Moon asked, wary.

   "He would do it for us." Hau got on the ship, followed by Moon. Wordlessly, they set off towards the island.

   In about half an hour, they had made it, stepping on to the pristine white tiles. The workers looked at them, frowning. "Good thing Lillie didn't come, they'd definitely recognize her. Just act natural." Moon whispered.

   They walked towards the elevator, looking nervously at the staff, and the huge storage boxes. No one said anything, but tension was definitely rising through the air. Hau stepped into the elevator, and Moon joined him. They had made it this far. They went up, and as they arrived at the second floor, they gasped. Gladion was there! He wore an all white suit, with a golden tie, complimenting his hair. He glanced at them, before looking away. The way someone who sees a stranger looks; uninterested.

   "Gladion!" Hau ran to him, wrapping him in a tight hug. "You're okay!"

   Gladion pushed him off, "Do I know you..?"

A/N: W O W!!! We've hit 2000 views! How do I keep up with all you beautiful people? I want to apologize for my incompetence in releasing chapters, as my schedule has been less and less update steady. Having a bigger audience makes me kinda nervous; and I find myself wanting to release better content. I will hopefully be updating a lot more frequently, and thanks to everyone sticking with me!

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