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A group chat with Kira, Hunter, Elaine, and Trisha at 9:23 pm on Sunday night

Trisha: why the fuck am I in this chat???

Kira: I need y'all to listen up close. I have a plan.

Elaine: plan?

Hunter: is this about Emily and Jynx?

Kira: yes, now shut up all of you. I think we need more power to split them up.

Elaine: is this where I come in?

Trisha: please don't get Elaine involved. She'll ruin everything.

Elaine: fuck u

Kira: shut up all of you!!!!

Kira: Elaine's gonna start seducing Jynx while Hunter keeps going with Emily.

Hunter: I'm out. She doesn't want me anymore.

Kira: I'm sorry, did I ask??

Trisha: Jesus....

Hunter: I yelled at her last week. I don't want to talk to her anymore.

Kira: she's a screwed up girl. She says dumb things sometimes. Let it go.

Trisha: I'm going to have to agree with Kira here.

Elaine: nah, Emily's a bitch lmao.

Hunter: look, I just don't think I can "seduce" her anymore.

Kira: nonsense! Just try. You're so close to having her.

Elaine: same here or no?

Trisha: idk, you tell us.

Elaine: Jynx seemed pretty close to kissing me last week. I think I might be getting her back.

Kira: teach me your slutty ways, girl!!!!

Elaine: it's not like that. I love her.

Hunter: sure lol

Trisha: ^^^^

Elaine: fuck u guys Jynx is great

Kira: debatable

Trisha: she's ok haha

Elaine: do you want my help or no?

Kira: fine. So do we have a mutual understanding of the plan?

Hunter: no???? What plan? Just keep doing the same old?

Kira: how about Elaine and Hunter ask Jynx and Emily out not this week but next. We're so close.

Trisha: I feel so bad about this

Kira: do you want Em back?

Trisha: ya, but I'm her friend. I should want what's best for her.

Hunter: Jynx is not what's best for Emily, trust me.

Kira: Hunter's right tbh

Elaine: ouch

Kira: sorry, but it's true. They're different people. They were never compatible.

Trisha: says the person who's trying to hook up with an asexual girl.

Kira: you're not ace! I see the way you look at me!

Trisha: with disgust?

Hunter: ok ok ladies calm down

Hunter: so the plan is to ask them out next next week? Cool. You sure this is gonna work?

Kira: it has to. They can't still be in love.

Elaine: I second Kira.

Trisha: so it's settled. Good luck, guys.

Kira: ya, good luck. Goodnight, babes.

Hunter: night ;)

Elaine: night night

Trisha: goodnight.

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