French Twist

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Emily's POV

After a while of doing homework, I began to realize how messed up my heart is.

Bear with me, my friends, for I have realized my mistakes.

I know how terrible it is to cheat. I have never been cheated on for real, so I can't imagine how much it must fucking suck, but I have cheated on someone. I've cheated on the one person that cares about me more than anyone else. I cheated. I feel horrible because of it. Jynx doesn't deserve a piece of shit like me.

Don't get me wrong; I don't want sympathy or pity. I should be dumped and left to bleed my heart out!

Jynx is such a sweetheart. In case you don't recall, I thought she was just some perverted punk at first. When I met her eyes during spin the bottle, all I felt was apathy for the bitch that was excited to kiss me.

Now, I feel lost. She gives me light and hope, but I'm turning away from her because she's too easy.

That, my readers, is the conclusion I have come to. I love her and all of the light and hope she gives me, but I love the chase more.

That's why, when Hunter slowly entered my home during another Tuesday night, I felt my heart jump.

Jynx didn't do that to my heart anymore. For the same reason that college kids like to go out of state, I didn't want to stay with my homely girlfriend.

She helped me discover myself, my sexuality mostly, and she taught me how to love.

But she has patience and obedience.

I'm a stray dog. I'm hopeless. I have no light to take in because a black hole is endless darkness.

"Hunter!" I gasped desperately. I was drooling over him. Not one piece of my mind wasn't focusing on his godliness. "What's up? How are you?"

He smiled at me, probably pitying my obsession, and took off his boots. His light hair fell onto his forehead, and his hazel eyes stared deeply at mine.

Oh, the chase made my heart race. He tickled my heart strings and played me like an instrument. Surprisingly, I liked it. I was fully aware of it, and I wanted more.

"I'm doing great! My grades are doing stellar, so thanks a lot for the help. Ready to help with tonight's homework?" He asked.

"Yeah! Of course!" I replied.

We made our way to the living room. As usual, it was nice and clean, which matched our suburban aesthetics.

I tried to dress a bit nicer and girlier for Hunter, wearing gray leggings and a black sweater for him. With Jynx, I was usually more comfortable. Depending on where we were going, I'd wear jeans or sweatpants with a fun shirt or sweatshirt.

"How are you classes doing?" He asked as he took out his notebook.

In reality, they were doing fantastic. I had all A's, except for an A- in world history.

"Not amazing, but who cares? At least I'm having fun!"

His eyes widened. At first, he wasn't buying it, but then he smirked.

"You're turning into quite the fun girl, Emily. I should start going to parties with you or something. You could be my date, if that's okay with you."

Ah, and here it is.

"Yes! Uh, I mean yeah. . .That sounds cool."

He chuckled and placed his large hand on my knee. I froze in my spot. Everything that was once shaking with glee had frozen at the touch of the boy that didn't know I existed earlier this year.

Once he stopped laughing, his hand had snaked down to the inside of my thigh. He was dangerously close; his lips were ready for the kill.

Oh, I was swooning too much. His smile, his hair, his nose, his muscles—everything about him was new and better.

When he leaned forward, I didn't hesitate to kiss him.

It wasn't just a kiss either. He didn't let go, and I didn't want to.

He pulled me close with his free hand, and his other hand gripped my thigh tightly.

I didn't really know what he was grabbing because I have chicken legs, but I appreciated his effort nonetheless.

He let go for a second and said, "Emily, I know you're dating Jynx, but I can be more for you. I can love you more."

What a sweet deal! If only it were true. . .

I didn't respond. My eyes wandered elsewhere, anywhere other than his gaze. He made me feel so guilty. Did I like it?

He used his index finger to adjust my chin and move my lips back to his. He kissed me so softly. Without a lip ring, it wasn't right, but it was exciting. I kissed back, letting his tongue touch mine often.

It was shocking, but at that point I didn't care.

After a minute or so, he attempted to push me down onto my couch, but I shoved him off.

"I'm sorry; I need more time to adjust to this."

He recovered nicely. With a frustrated smile on his face, he nodded and rubbed the back of his neck.

He looked out the window behind us. The snow had fallen again. Fall was transitioning into Winter, which was bad news for me. I hated Winter.

"Hey, how about you think about us for a while and get back to me next week? You can even text me if you wanna hang out earlier than that. You're so special to me, and I wish we could be more than this—than study buddies," he said.

"Thank you, Hunter. I'll definitely think about it. I like you a lot, and I have for a long time, but I just don't know what to do about Jynx," I said.

He chuckled. "I get it. Feelings are hard. I just hope you make the right decision, whatever it might be."

His words, so sweet, echoed in my stomach. Even though I assumed those were scripted/fake words, I still appreciated the message.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and started asking questions about some random topic in the textbook. I barely paid attention to his homework. All I could think about was how painful it was to kiss him.

His lips were sharper and tasted like poison. He left cuts on my gums and tongue, and it was sweet. I wanted more even though I knew it would kill me.

It would kill Jynx.

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