Shy Girl

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I walked into Emily's house for the second time. It's a great house. Big and expensive looking, but that's all I can expect from someone so rich. Her mom looked like a lawyer or some shit, so I can only dream of the paycheck she gets.

I took off my white high tops and looked around again. Everything was still clean and in place. That's so weird! Emily must be an only child or something because in my house everything is always a mess.

"Yo, I'm hungry. I didn't eat as much as usual since you stole my Pringles. Mind if you make me pizza rolls or something?"

Emily shook her head, signaling that she didn't mind, and scurried to the kitchen. She got out a bag of pizza rolls from the freezer part of the refrigerator and started placing frozen pizza rolls into her toaster oven.

While she was placing the pizza rolls down, I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I rested my head on the back of her shoulder and sighed in bliss.

"What're you doing?" She asked.

I could feel her spine shiver, and it made me a bit excited. It was like her body didn't mind this, but she sounded very unsure.

"I'm hugging you."

I hope I didn't need to explain anything to her. It's probably awkward for her, but this is what she signed up for. She signed up for a needy lesbian with great hair and a lip piercing!

When she set the pizza rolls, she turned around and placed her hands on my cheeks, pulling me up a bit so I could kiss her. Our lips joined, but it didn't feel forced. It was almost like she wanted this. She kissed me softly and nicely for quite a while, and even gently bit my bottom lip near the end, but when she let go it didn't look like she meant it.

She stepped away uncomfortably and smirked pridefully.

"How was that?"

She seemed really shy about the kiss, and she clearly didn't mean it. I felt really angry. I felt something, but I couldn't say that! She'd freak out if I told her.

"Y'know, if you wanted to get Hunter's attention, you should just talk to him."

I frowned and walked over to her couch. I plopped down and didn't look back at her, which meant I didn't know what her reaction was. She probably didn't care about my feelings and me, so I shouldn't even bother trying to impress her.

"What would I say? He's popular, and I don't know that much about him."

That made me confused. Don't you have a crush on someone because you know who they are? She seems to be more attracted to his body than his personality, which seems shallow to me.

"If you don't know him well, why do you like him?"

She sighed and sat down next to me. She wore bright pink socks, like an idiot, and kicked her feet around. I carefully look over, and our eyes met. She seemed worried as well.

She sighed and murmured, "I dunno... I just do."

Her gaze went from my eyes to the floor. She fumbled with her hands in her lap, her hair falling over her face.

Her hair was almost as long as mine. It was nice and silky looking. It even smelt nice, and I would know. She was so pretty, but I knew she was off limits.

"Hey, why don't I teach you a bit of kissing to cheer you up?"

My offer seemed to spark her curiosity. She looked up at me and nodded with delight dancing across her lips.

I place a hand on her knee and lean over. She kissed me gently but deeply, just like I taught her. At first, the kiss was nothing, but she was doing good. Then, I pulled her onto my lap. I wanted to teach her how to make out. She often broke away to get a quick breath, but that needed to be fixed. With my practice, she'd be a pro.

Her hands wrapped around my neck and my hands gently grabbed her ass. She gave an upset growl into the kiss, but I wouldn't let her break it. She was trying really hard to be comfortable, but I knew it was hard. She must've felt so uncomfortable... I started to feel uncomfortable too! It sucked!

Then, after a few minutes, I finally let go and gave a friendly smile. I didn't want things to be awkward between us, but it sucked that I felt sparks from the kiss. Well, at least I think she's not feeling them.

Oh well. It's my bad luck.

The toaster oven dinged, and she jumped off me.

"Food!!!" She shouted with excitement.

I chuckled and stood up. I fixed my hair, running my fingers through it. It was soft and still a silvery white. I also checked my clothes. My all black looked pretty good! In fact, I actually wore my bracelets today as well. I got tons of band bracelets and a few of those self made ones. I looked super tumblr punk girl, it was great.

Once Emily got the pizza rolls out, she put them on a plate and plopped it onto the small dining table. I now realized that the reason the dining table was so small was because it was just her and her mother. I'm not sure if that's better or worse than having a family of 7, including myself.

"Alright, be honest with me. Do you think Hunter and I would make a good couple?"

I had to think carefully about that. I made my thinking face, which looked silly, and then shrugged.

"I can't think of a good ship name for you two, so that's a bad sign."

Our ship name would be Jemily, or Jem for short, which sounds cute as fuck!

"Awe, c'mon! Be serious!"

She made a pouty face, and I couldn't help but smile in delight. She looked so cute and adorable. I wanted to kiss her cheeks and rip her shirt off at the same time. It's a problem...

"I dunno... Maybe you wouldn't be the best couple...?"

I tried to sound as distant and evasive as possible, but she clearly got upset. I couldn't tell if she was angry or not.


She huffed and stood up. Her glare was intense, but at the floor. She started stomping away, so I followed her and tried to pull her back by the shoulder. She turned around and grabbed my shoulders, pressing them against the wall beside us. She got me pinned, and rammed her lips against mine. She seemed so angry, like she wanted to hurt me, but this felt so good either way. Her body pressed against mine, and it felt like we were melting against each other. When I tried to wrap my arms around her, she grabbed my wrists and held them down stubbornly. This felt so amazing; I felt like I was in a movie.

Then, she let go and growled. "Why did I do that?!" She shouted and stormed up to her room.

Emily needed cooling off, so I was going to leave. I decided not to waste the pizza rolls though, so I got a paper plate from the cupboard where she showed me, and I put the pizza rolls there.

Then, I left. I'm glad I got the shy girl to make out with me.

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