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The semi-manly scream of your matespirit called you from the other room. In a fit of adrenaline, you grabbed the nearest object to defend yourself and ran out of the room.

"I'm coming Sol!!!"

Your heart pumping, you followed the scream to the computer room. Weapon at the ready you kicked to door open only to see...

Sollux at the computer perfectly fine

"Sollux what the heck! I thought you were hurt or- or"
"(Y/N), (Y/N) the bees!!!"
"...... what......"
"Honey bees are endangered (Y/N)!!!!!"

A single yellow tear fell down his cheek, but your face remained expressionless.

"Sollux it is too early for this."
"Maybe but its too late for the bees!!"
"Sollux have you gotten any sleep? Its four o'clock in the morning."
"Ill sleep when Im dead, like the bees!!"
"Ok ok calm down your going to bed."

You grabbed Sollux's hand and led him to your bedroom. Wrapping your arms around him, you felt tears on your bare shoulder.

"Shhh shhh its gonna be ok... I guess."

Was he intoxicated? Probably, but you loved him.

~Time Skip~

"Morning Sol"
"Morning (Y/N)"
"Gamzee gave you sopor didn't he? Still, your so weird."
"Well so are you. Were you really going to come to my rescue with a rolled up magazine?"
"Shut up, Mr. Bees."

Waking Up With You: Homestuck X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now