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"Ohahaha Ohohoho Weeheehehe! Well it's time to wake up!"

Forget everything you just said about waking up. Peace ruined. Nonononono you are not doing this this morning. You were ready to wake up for once but your boyfriend Dirk and his possessed puppet have other ideas.

"Dirk, Please get little Cal out of my face and maybe we can still salvage this morning."

" Heeeeeeey there! Well you look pretty sleepy. I think it would be in your best interest to wake up!"

"... Dirk Yes"

You shake your head at your boyfriend in pointy shades. When did he put those on? Does he sleep in them?

"Well how would you like me to wake you up? With a smuppet? Chicks love smuppets."
"Your joking right? Why don't you just rap or something like that?"
"I'd rap for you, but then it would get old listening to it, and you'd come to take it for granted."
"I don't think it would ever get old listening to you. "

After you gave Dirk a kiss on the cheek, you went downstairs to make breakfast. Well you were going to make breakfast until two muscular arms snaked around your waist, turning you around. Trying to keep cool, thought your face was about the shade of a fire truck, you said,

"Hey, What's up?"

"You missed."

Dirk held you close and met your lips with his, pulling you into a passionate kiss. You pulled away prematurely, staring at the tile floor of your shared kitchen.

"Hey Dirk?"
"Yah babe?"
"I know I said it would never get old listening to you, but I think I meant to say I want to grow old listening to you. I mean not that I want to get old, but I want to grow up with you but not as friends. Grrr, what I'm trying to say is –"
"You want to stay like this forever?"
"Yah, that's what I was going for."

Pulling you into another sloppy make-out session, Dirk promised between breaths to never leave your side. You just giggled uncontrollably. Gog you loved mornings.

Waking Up With You: Homestuck X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now