Chapter 2 - A Saturday With Him

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I woke up around 9 a.m. The house was quiet, but I heard my mother down stairs whistling. I got up and grabbed my blue I-phone C and walked into the bathroom down the hall. I took a long shower, scrubbing my body extra good and shaving extra well. Once I was done, I blow dried my hair and curled it lightly. I added black eyeliner and mascara, light silver eyeshadow. I added pink lipstick and walked into my room. I plugged my I-Phone into my I-Dock and turned on my music. Timber by Pitbull and Ke$ha came one. I started dancing around, slipping on lacy black bra and lacy black underwear. I put on a long sleeve black shirt and denim skinny jeans with pink socks and black uggs. I put on black hoops on too. Get Like Me by Nelly, Pharrel, and Nicki Minaj came on. I danced around pretty sexually. I didn't mean to. It's this song. My song got paused and my ringtone, Animals by Martin Garrix came on. I grabbed my phone and answered it quickly.

"Yellow! Sophie Hotlines!" I said. I heard a chuckled on the other side of the line.
"Hello Sophia." Harry's sexy, deep voice came on.
"Hi Harry!" I cheered.
"So, we still on for today?" he asked.
"Well, yes. BUT! Where we going?" I asked.
"Um, a movie.." he said, sounding a bit nervous.
"Cool! Which one?" I tried to make him less nervous.
"Well, Insidious 2." he answered.
"Scary movie?" I asked a bit frightened. I hated those.
"Yeah. I'll pick you up in 10 minutes." he said.
"Okay." I told him.
"Bye love." he said before hanging up.

I sighed and got all my things together. I grabbed my black plain jacket and walked downstairs with my phone and 20 dollars. "MOM!" I screamed. "Yes dear?" she asked, walking into the living room. "I'mma go watch a movie with a friend." I told her. And simply nodded. "Your brother and i will be here." she said. My brother was a 1 year old little boy. He was young. He was also a surprise. Since my dad is 47 and my mom is 46 they thought I was going to be their only. But, but, baby Kyle was a great present. I love him. "Okay momma. Ill be home by curfew, midnight, correct?" I asked. She nodded. "Remember, your father and I have a business meeting with his boss and co-workers at 4 and probably wont be home till 10. You have to watch Kyle." she reminded me. "I know momma." I said, hearing a honk outside. I kissed my moms cheek and ran outside. I ran to Harry's car and jumped in the front. "Ello Love." he greeted me. "Hey." I said, buckling up. He drove off and i looked at him. "My curfew is 12." I told him. He nodded. "You'll be home at 12:01." he told me with a smirk. "Oh, we got a badass over here." I joked. He smiled and rolled his eyes. "Oh! Tomorrow my parents are going to a dinner and I have to watch my brother. Wanna come over and help?" I asked him. "A brother? How old is he?" Harry asked. "Two." I replied. Harry awed and I laughed. "I'd love to. What time should I be over?" he asked. "Uh, 4." I replied. He nodded, pulling into the theater parking lot. Before we got out, I stopped him. "Harry.. Is this a.. Date?" I asked him. He shrugged. "It is if you want it to be." he said getting out. I thought for a second before my door opened. Harry helped me out like a gentleman. We walked up to the movies, just standing next to each other. We stood in line, not talking for a minute but Harry decided to spark up a conversation. "Are we going to grab a bite to eat after this?" he asked. I just smiled. "This is a date, isn't it?" I asked. He smiled at me. "Suppose to be." he confessed. I smiled an ear to ear smile. "Yeah, we can go out to eat." I told him. "Do you want me to bring anything for tomorrow?" He asked me. "Um, bring over a box of pizza." I told him. He nodded. "Half Pepperoni, Half Taco?" he asked. I smiled and nodded. "Sounds good." I replied. "Anyways, tell me about your brother." Harry said. "well he was an 'oops' baby. He's adorable. He can say 'phie. He can say momma, dadda and bottle. Oh! Also Spongebob. But he calls him spongie." I Told Harry. He sat there listening and smiling. "He's my baby brother, I love him to death. Kyle and I both have more of my fathers looks. The brown hair, the white teeth, the short nose. But Kyle has my eyes. My eyes are different. My mom has dark blue eyes and my dad has brown. I have baby blue eyes and Kyle has a darker shade of mine but still very pretty." I rambled to Harry. He listened politely. I noticed I was rambling and stopped, blushing. Harry just laughed. "Your eyes are beautiful love." he told me, kissing my cheek. I blushed and these butterflies in my stomach started fluttering around. I felt so, myself around Harry. It wasn't weird or awkward. It was, amazing. I loved hanging out with him. We finally got our tickets and Harry bought us a large popcorn and two pops. Yummy! We walked to our movie, he was holding pops and I was eating popcorn. We found a seat in the way back. Right next to the wall in the last row. We sat there for a few minutes, randomly talking. "Sophia. Tell me about yourself." he said, looking at me. "Well, I love volleyball. My favorite sport is volleyball. My favorite sport to watch is football. I have a passion for drawing. My least favorite subject is math. I have a small puppy, tea cup shiz-zo named Jacie. And a golden retriever named Beau. Pronounced Bo. I'm an animal lover, spend many hours a week at the animal shelter. When I get older, I want to be a professional volleyball player or a 3rd grade teacher. Or a vet." I told him. He smiled at me. "wow. I love animals too. I have a cat named dusty. He spends most of the time up in my room though." Harry told me. I smiled. "Cute name." I winked at him and he laughed. "Now me. I guess.." he said and I nodded. "Well, I love animals also. I love to sing. I can't dance, I have an older sister, by two years, named Gemma. I grew up in Holmes chapel. I have four best friends that I used to make music with." He finished, once the lights dimmed. My mind wandered about that but i let it leave my mind. We focused on the movie for a few minutes before I felt his hand drape over my shoulders. I smiled in the dark and scooted closer to him. The relationship between Harry and I felt like a combination of Love, Shyness and Sexual Frustrations. Even when he was just my teacher I felt sexually toward him. We watched most of the movie. I screamed a few times, getting super scared. Harry always held me closer, comforting. After I screamed 5 times pretty loudly, I felt so overwhelmed I just hid in Harry's shoulder, trying not to cry. "Love? You okay?" Harry asked concern, getting shhed by people. I felt the tears stream down my face and I could hold anything in anymore, I cried into him. I felt myself being picked up bridal style and I wrapped my arms around his neck, snuggling my head in his shoulder even more. I felt the light hit me as we left the dark theater. It was a bit chilly. I felt something warm being wrapped around my arms and Harry continued to carry me somewhere. I heard a door open and it sounded like a car door. He laid me down on carpet and I dared to look. We were laying in the huge trunk on a black blanket. I looked up at Harry, my make-up probably ruined. He smiled lightly and climbed in the back with me. He closed the trunk and looked at me. "What happened love?" he asked softly. I sighed. "I don't like scary movies." I sniffled, looking at the ground. He put two fingers under my chin, making me look at him. "It's okay love. You should of just told me." he said. I sighed and gave him a half smile. "I didn't want to look like a chicken. " I admitted. He smiled. "Sophia, you are one of the strongest people I know." he told me and I blushed. He looked into my eyes smiling, making me smile back. My eyes landed on his green ones. They were so beautiful. They resembled an emerald, something that would catch your eyes from miles. I saw him inching forward a bit. I froze. What was he doing?!? Was he, Harry Styles, MY science teacher going to kiss me?!? He looked at me with such tender eyes. I tried to move, or speak, or anything. But noting worked. He got closer and closer by the second and soon enough, I felt warm lips press against mine. The kiss felt so natural and loving, I started to kiss back. He pulled away after I just kissed him back. He smiled at me, blushing. I smiled and blushed also. "Wanna come over love?" Harry asked, smiling at me. I looked into his eyes and saw his emerald eyes have a black gloss over them. In my stomach I got a bad feeling. "um, I guess." I told him. He smiled and helped me to the front, along with hisself. He drove off, putting on some tunes. I just sat there, looking out the window. I remember what Harry said about music and decided to ask him. "Harry?" I asked, grabbing his attention. "yes love?" he asked, keeping his eyes on the road. "You said you were in a singing group.." I started off slowly. He nodded, understanding were I was going with this. "Me and my four best friends, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik." he told me. I nodded, listening intently. "We took over the world. We started in the X-Factor and came in 3, but Simon Cowell signed us to Syco Records. Anyways, it took off from there. 3 Albums, all being hit albums. Billions of fans, a movie, a few books, amazing. Then, when I was 19, and Zayn was 20, he decided to marry Perrie Edwards from little mix. Then, Louis decided to marry his model girlfriend, Eleanor Cadler. we broke up. I came to New York, Niall went back to Ireland, Zayn and Perrie went to Bradford, Louis and Eleanor stayed in London and Liam is somewhere in this world." he sighed and looked at me. "It was the best time of my life, Sophia." he confessed. I looked at him. "I'm so sorry Harry." I told him, showing sympathy. "It's fine love. It was meant to be." he told me. I sighed. "So 7 years ago. I was 10. I don't remember you guys..." I told him. "We live in a small town. And, we're from over the sea." he told me. I nodded lightly. "Do you still talk to them?" I asked. He shrugged lightly. "Louis is my all time best friend. We talk occasionally. Niall will sometimes say something to me on twitter or something. Zayn will send me birthday cards or Christmas cards. Liam... I haven't talked to that lad in years." he said, seeming deep in thought. I nodded. "You miss them, don't you?" I asked. He shrugged. "Honestly Sophia, we don't talk enough to miss each other." he told me but I saw through his lie. "You miss the old times. Being together everyday." I said. He sighed and nodded. "I miss them terribly. They are family." he looked at me with sad eyes. "I understand." I told him. He looked at me for a second before going silent and looking at the road. I slipped my hand into his, squeezing it lightly. He smiled and looked at me. "Thanks." he said quietly. I could tell I brought back some memories that depressed him. "Have you every thought of inviting them out here? Like a remembrance weekend?" I asked. He looked at me like I was einstein. "That's an amazing idea." he said, getting out his phone and giving it to me. "Go to my contacts and type in Louis." he directed me. I did as told, finding the contact, passing many Taylor's, Tara's and Tammy's. I felt very, insecure and used. Sophia shut up. "Click on his name then put it on speaker. I'm pretty sure you don't wanna talk to him." Harry said and I nodded. I did as told and held the phone closer to Harry. It rang twice before I heard a manly voice answer.

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