Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

        I got up, gave Damen a look, and opened the door. I was thrown on the floor. I looked up. "Michael?" I asked. "What are you doing here?" My twenty-eight year old brother sent me a grin, helping me up. "We came to visit, of course," he said. He glanced behind me, then did a double take. "Is that-?"

   I nodded, blushing slightly. Damen stood up, a slight smile on his face. "Yeah, it's me," he said. "Your sister's boyfriend." Michael glanced down at me, a huge smirk on his face mixed with a little surprise. "I'll tell you the story later," I said. I looekd behind him. Freya, Ever, Mom, Dad, and even Carlie were there. "What is this?" I asked. "A family reunion?"

     Mom stepped forward and pulled me into a tight hug. "I missed you, honey," she said. She pulled Damen in with me. "I missed you, too, dear." I glanced over at Damen and stifled a laugh. After that, Carlie found some way to insult me, I cooed over seven year old Ever, and Damen and Michael had a serious talk, again.

       I looked down at Ever again. "Ooh Ever, you're soo cute!" I cooed. She looked up at me with a small smile. "You're cute too, Isabella," she said, in her tiny adorable voice. I pulled her into a hug. "Want to play with barbies?" I asked. She nodded happily, pulling the little suitcase full of them along behind her as I led her to my room.

    We played with barbies for a few hours. I had one with brownish hair that was up in pigtails. Ever was playing with the original blond barbie and Ken. She had Ken dating my barbie, which I named Marissa, and hers. She said we weren't suppose to mind if we shared a guy. I thought that was adorable, but I would never share Damen.

     My phone started whistling, so I told Ever I would be right back. I picked it up with a slightly breathless, "Hello?" Someone cleared their throat. "Hi! This is Pamela Serenty, callingabout your appointment two weeks ago," tho woman said. "You need to have this appointment. We have a few openings tonight, or tomorrow morning. Which would you prefer?" I sighed. "Can you hold on a second?" I asked th lady. She said it was okay.

    "Mom!" I called, running into the living room. "Yes, hun?" she said. I motioned to the phone I was holding. I had my hand against the mouth piece. "Should I go to the doctor's later today, before dinner, or tomorrow?" I asked. She sighed. "It's that appointment, isn't it?" she asked. I nodded, grimacing. "Today, you want to get it over with," she said.

    I groaned and told Pamela I would be there later today. She told me thank you, and hung up. I sighed again. I hate the doctor's.


   I drove alone. I didn't want to bring Damen along. It's embarrassing. I pulled into the parking lot, looked for a parking space for about five minutes, and finally parked. I walked to the receptionist's desk, wringing my hands nervously. "Name?" the woman asked rudely. "Isabella Montie," I answered. "Sit there and wait. You should be called soon," she said, after tapping her computer keys a few times.

   I sat on a chair and watched as a little kid shoved a lollipop in his mouth, bringing it back out, and sticking it in his sister's hair. The girl started screeching. He was about six, and the girl was about fifteen. "Mom!" she shouted. "He ruined my hair! Do you know how long it took me to get it like that? And he ruined it!" Her mom sighed. "Stop screaming," she said. "Just take a shower when you get home."

   The girl huffed. "But I was going to see Harry after this," she mumbled. I guess Harry was her boyfriend. "Isabella Montie, your doctor is ready," the receptionist said. I got up, took a deep breath, and started to follow the nurse down the hallway. She opened the door and told me to relax. How could I?

   This is the kind of appointment where you get 'checked out', is you know what I mean. I laid back and tried to get comfortable but all I could think about was a weird person.. me... ew. The doctor entered the room, putting those rubbery gloves on. I winced. "Relax," he said. "Everything's going to be alright."


     I left the room, feeling shaken. Shit. How am I going to tell him? He's going to be so broken.

    I drove home in a daze, the news from the doctor still sinking in. I never knew there was something wrong with me. How could there be? I guess that's why I never got pregnant from all those men..

    I pulled alonside my apartment and got out. I opened the door quietly, hoping no one would hear me. Unfortunately, I wasn't that fortunate. Mom came immediately asd asked what happened. I broke down right there. "Mom, I can't have babies," I sobbed. "I'm barren." Mom pulled me into a hug. "Oh, sweetie," she said. "It's okay. You can still adopt." I looked up at her. "That isn't the same," I said. "They're not actually mine."

     She held me like that for a few minutes. I finally composed myself, and excused myself to go to bed. Damen met me half way. "Tired?" he asked. I shok my head. More like not hungry. "I don't feel good," I said. Anger lit his eyes up, and I winced. "Did that doctor do something to you?" he asked. "If he did-!" I shushed him by the look I gave him. "It's not that," I said.

    He looked down at me, his expression softeneing. "What's the matter, then?" he asked. I looked away, ignoring the question. "Isabella?" he asked. "Tell me?" I shook my head, a new set of tears coming on. "I can't Damen," I said. "You're going to hate me." It's just a natural instinct that I would be scared to tell Damen that. He could do so much better than me, but he insists he stays with me.

   He took a hold of my hand, turning me to face him. "Tell me," he prodded softly. A few tears left my eyes and he wiped them away with the pads of his thumbs. "Tell me," he said again. I looked up at his face, full of concern, and that's what did it. "I can't have babies," I whispered. He let go of my hand and took a step back. "What?" he asked. I winced. He didn't want me anymore.

   "I'm barren," I said. He crushed me to him in a hug. "What, did you think I would drop you?" he asked. "Isabella, I'll always love you. I couldn't leave you even if I tried." I wrapped my arms around his neck as I cried. I cried for all the babies I could've had. I cried for Damen. And lastly, I cried for me.

     "It's going to be alright," he said softly. I looked up at him. He had a small smiled on his face, and he gave me a peck on the lips. "Everything's going to be alright," he repeated. We got changed into our nighties, and we fell asleep in each other's arms that night.

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