Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

      "Hello! This is Nancy, calling to say we're sorry you missed your appointment-" I punched the voice mail receiver and it shut up. I groaned and buried my head in the pillows. then I shot up in bed, hurting my head in the process. What time is it? I glanced at the figital clock on the side of the dresser. Shit! Eight- thirty!

      I got out of bed slowly and looked down at myself. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. Ew. I smell like alcohol and I look like a prostitute. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, throwing up again. I moaned and started brushing my teeth. I feel like shit. Really, I'm seeing double!

       I dragged myself to my room and dressed in jeans and a tee. "Babe, I feel like shit," Jesse moaned from the couch. I gulped down a few asprin and gave her two. She rolled over and moaned, putting her head under the covers. "I'm going to work," I whispered. She groaned in response.

     I hurried out to the car and drove very slowly to the day care center. As soon as I got there, my head started to throb. I gripped my hair and took two more asprin, but I knew it was a losing battle. I drank wa-ay too much yesterday.


   After everyone was dropped off except Emerald, I decided to let the color. I think Damen doesn't want to face the guilt of having to deal with me, so he just doesn't want to bring Emerald to my daycare.

   "Okay, everyone!" I said, getting their attention. "We're going to color today!" No one said anything. I walked over to the table and sat, encouraging them to. "Get a book," I said. "When they still didn't move, I started to get frustrated. "Get a book!" I said loudly. These kids are getting on my last nerve today.

    Rebecka started crying. I sighed. Look what I've done! Will looked at her, then glared at me. "What's wrong Miss Isabella?" Lenny asked me. "Are you feeling alright?" I let out a long breath. I walked over to Rebecka, apologized, and picked her up.

    "Who wants to hear a story?" I asked. They all obediently sat down, watching me. I sat criss-cross-applesauce and started my story, the one that's been on my mind for the past twenty-four hours.

    "Once upon a time, a girl goes to the park and tries to work on her math problems. She gets frustrated with them, and screams." Lenny and Liam giggled at this. "A boy comes over and befriends her after a few days. Then she gets into a car accident." Gasps rounded the room.

    "She had to stay in the hospital for seven weeks, and had to wear crutches after that. The girl had two friends at that time. The boy from the park and another boy. As she got closer and closer to them, she realized she was getting feelings for the dark-haired boy from the park. When she gets released from the hospital, he gives her a bracelet." I wiped a fallen tear away and contined on with the story. "A bad man tries to hurt the girl and the dark-haired boy sees it. He gets mad at her.

   "The girl is in despair. She really likes the boy from the park, so she tells the truth about the bad man." I looked to the ceiling. "Once the girl tells the dark-haired boy the truth, he starts to show his feelings, too. Then a criminal attacks the girl's family. They stay away from the girl's house for a while, so the criminal might give it up.

   "The girl stayed at the dark-haired boy's house. After a few days, they go back to their house. Everything seems to go right for a while. The girl and boy are dating, and the other best friend gets a girlfriend. The boy from the park gives the girl a ring for Christmas. A promise ring." My voice cracks here, but I clear my throat to continue. "For the whole month of January, everything is going the girl's way. But everything changes on her birthday.

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