Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

            I grabbed my coffee as I ran out of the house. Today's the day. I can prove myself today. Three people are bringing their children to me today, which equals four kids for me to watch. If I do this without doing anything wrong, I'll make it in the news paper, and more people will hopefully come here.

          I drove downtown to the little building I bought for daycare. It was a little stuffy, but I could make do. I bought lots of toys and coloring books for the kids. I sighed as I got the keys to the door. Today's a little humid, but nothing I can't handle.

         As soon as I stepped in the room, I was hit with the need to go to the bathroom. I ran to the bathroom and peed as fast as I could. I heard someone walk in while I was going, and I called, "Coming!" I finished up quickly and ran out of the bathroom without drying my hands on a towel.

      "Hi!" I said, spotting my regular, Maggie, and made my way over to her. "Hey, Mag," I said. I looked at the little girl holding her hand. "Hey, Rebecka," I said, holding out a hand to her. She smiled a little and put her hand in mine. Maggie kissed her on the cheek and turned to me. "I'll be back around two," she said. I nodded.

     A few minutes after getting situated with Rebecka, a few knocks sounded on the door. I grabbed Rebecka's hand and pulled her with me to the door. It was the twins. "Hey!" I said. "Liam, Lenny." They both smiled at me and waved. I smiled and looked up at their Dad. "Can you be back by two?" I asked. "I have a doctor's appointment and I really can't miss it." He nodded, then looked down at the boys. "Don't be too much trouble for Miss Isabella." I smiled and took Lenny's hand, Liam trailing behind us.

   "Who wants to play dress-up?" I asked The boys made faces of distaste, but I smirked. "We're going to be pirates," I said. "And Rebecka's going to be the girl you have to save." Rebecka's face brightened. "Does tha mean I can weaw a pwetty dwess?" she asked, with a slight lisp. I smiled and kissed her hair. "Yes," I said. "It can be pink, too." She squealed and ran over to the chest where I keep the dress up clothes.

    "I call the hat with the skull on it!" Liam shouted, running to the cest, too. Lenny whined. "But I don't want the father!" he complained. "Miss Isabella! I want the skull one!" I smiled at him. "Now, now," I said. "There's two with skulls. I just got another one." He beamed and ran off. I started to wonder where the last little boy was, when a knock sounded at the door.

   Keeping a watchful eye on the kids, I walked over the the door. It was Will and his Mom. I looked up at her and smiled. "See you at two?" I said. She shook her head. "I'm coming for him early," she said. "Dentist." I nodded and said a quick bye, going back to the little pirates. Will looked up at me. "I wanna be the bad guy," he said, smiling. I nodded at him and smiled as I watched the all get ready.

   "Miss Isabewa!" Rebecka appeared at my side, holding one of the pirate hats and foam swords. "You need to dwess up, too," she said. I smiled and pulled the hat on, grabbing the sword. "Let's go back to the boys," I said to her. She looked absolutely adorable in her poofy pink dress. She grabbed a sparkly plastic tiara and fitted it on her head, her two ponytails holding it in place.

   "I'm a pwincess," she declared. I smiled at them. Liam had a blue coat on with rips and the hat with the skull. He was holding the plastic sword and was whispering to Lenny, looking at Rebecka. I rose an eyebrow at the pair. Liam pulled away, blushing a little.

    Lenny was in the same typed of coat, but it was red. He was wearing the hat with the red feather in it. I guessed he thought it would match better. I looked over to Will. He had the fake beard on and the biggest hat with two swords on it. His coat was black and had way more rips then Liam and Lenny's.

Chase: The Sequel To NoticedWhere stories live. Discover now