Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

      After that, Alexis and Damen stayed. We all colored, and ate chocolate. Lenny and Liam got into a minor fight, but I took care of it. Damen didn't push me, for which I was glad. When the parents started coming, Damen and I cleaned up. Alexis lounged on the fridge and ate an apple. I scowled at him. "Can you help, please?" I asked. He pretended to think for a minute, then shook his head.

     I glared at him and continued picking dolls and crayons up. When the last child was finally with their parents, I sighed and cracked my back, standing up. Damen's hand came to rest on the small of my back. I stiffened and moved forward, out of range of his touch. It's like I'm a nervous teenage girl again, scared that I would do something wrong if a man touches me.

     I looked up at Damen through my eyelashes and he looked hurt. I sighed and turned away to grab my keys. "Isabella," Damen said quietly. "I want to take you out on a date. I promise I'll be good." I turned around to look at him. I thought about it.

    Did I want him to take me out on a date? I love him, so much. Why am I even stopping him from touching me? Maybe I just don't want to be reminded of... what happened. DId I want him to take me out? The answer is clear as water.

    "Sure," I said. "What time?" He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily. "I'll pick you up at six," he said. I nodded. "Okay," I said quietly. Before I could move, he swooped in and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and looked away. Unfortunately to Alexis.

     "Aw!" he cooed. "Isabella's blushing! Hey, remember when I first said that?" I blushed harder. Who could forget? Damen had just told me I had beautiful eyes. Damen chuckled. "Yeah," he said. "Emerald started tugging on Alexis's sleeve. "I'm hungry and want to go home!" she complained. I laughed. "If you were hungry, you could've said so!" I said. She giggled. "I want Mommy's cookies!" she said.

    I looked at Damen. "Well, I guess I'll see you later, then," I said. He smiled. "Yeah," he said. "Dress casually." I nodded and watched them as they filed out. I locked the door behind me. "Bye, Is," Alexis called. I turned around and waved, smiling. I turned to Damen. He was scratching his neck, looking sheepish. "Um, can I have your phone number?" he asked nervously.

    I smirked. "Why?" He wrung his hands. "Well, I know you changed it since I had it, and I would want to talk to you," he said, looking up at me with a smile. I sighed and hald put my hand. He smiled and handed me his phone. After punching my number in, I smirked and waved again.


    After texting Damen over my address, I sat down to watch TV. Since it's early, I decided I would relax. After putting on my favorite show of right now, I head a knock on my door. I walked over and opened it, looking at the person curiously.

    "Hi?" I said, unsure of what he's doing here. "I'm the newspaper reporter," he explained. I nodded, smiling on the inside. "My name is Walter Jackson, and I want to ask you a few questions about yesterday," he said. "Can I come in?"

    I nodded and moved away from the door so he could come in. I led him to the couch. He had on khakis, a maroon shirt, and one of those hats with the little tag on it. I sat stiffly and stared at him. He looked up and laughed. "Relax," he said. "I'll just ask you easy questions."

   I nodded and sank deeper into the couch. "So I understand you own a day care for little children," he said, his pen poised atop the paper. I nodded, glancing behind him to see I hadn't turned to TV off. I grabbed the remote in a sweaty hand and clicked it off.

    "How many kids did you handle yesterday?" he asked. I swallowed and looked back to him. "Five," I said. "Liam and Lenny; they're adorable little twins, Rebecka; she's a sweetheart with a slight lisp, Will; a perky little kid who loves to eat, and Emerald; my newest, she's adorable and my best friend's child."

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