Now It's Me (Stiles)

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Part 2 to It Will Always Be Her.
Long imagine. So be prepared😉

Your POV

It's been a few months after we graduated high school. Everyone went their separate ways, but we still keep in touch. Over the past few months, I have been working on trying to get over Stiles. It's hard to get rid of that 'crush' because I've had a crush on him since sixth grade and now we're moving on to college.

When I graduated high school, I got into Harvard University with a scholarship as a junior. While the pack was battling against another supernatural enemy, I managed to study and maintain a 4.0 gpa.

Beacon Hills has been trying to recover from the last supernatural enemy, the Ghost Riders. So far we haven't gotten any news from Liam about the supernatural. I'm guessing that's a good thing, since they also need time to recover. Especially Corey.

After I finished all my classes for the semester, I went to my dorm and started to pack some things I would need. The school was releasing us to go on holiday break, since the holidays are near. I was planning on going back to Beacon Hills and checking up on everyone.

My phone started to ring, I looked at it and it was Malia.

"Hello?" I said, stuffing my clothes into my luggage.

"Hey Y/N, are you going on holiday break?" Malia asked.

"Yeah, are you?"

"Yes, I was planning on going back to Beacon Hills. I just wanted to know where you were going for break."

"I was actually planning on going back to Beacon too. Maybe I'll see you there?" I said to Malia, sitting on my bed.

"Ok yeah that sounds great! I'll see you there. Oh and Y/N..?" Malia said.


"Don't forget to keep your head held up high and smile, okay?"

I smiled at her words, "okay same thing to you. I love you."

"I love you too." And with that we hung up.

I first met Malia when we turned her back into a human. When we first met, we instantly clicked, and we have been inseparable ever since. It was alike we understood each other. We were almost like sisters.

Scott called me and told me that the pack decided to go back to Beacon Hills for the holidays. I instantly grew nervous as he said that, because I knew I would have to deal with seeing Stiles again. And with the fact that he was now with Lydia, made it even harder.

After Scott hung up, I took a deep breath and finished packing.

I got ready for bed and went to sleep.


Next morning

Today was the day I had to go back. I had to buy a ticket since Beacon is far away from Harvard.

My plane was booked to leave in an hour, so I got ready and I got into an Uber and was driven to he airport.

While I was there, I ate some food since I didn't get to eat breakfast because I woke up late. That's what I get for drinking coffee late at night and sleeping late.

My flight got called on the intercom and I rose from my seat to get on the plane.

Once I was on the plane, I took my neck pillow, phone, headphones, and charger out. I got to get a seat by myself so I put some of my small stuff on the empty seat next to me.

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