Cousin Sheldon (Stuart)

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Imagine being Stuart's little sister.

With a yawn, you walked into the living room carrying a packet of crisps in one hand and a drink in the other. You took a glance at the TV where adverts we're currently playing before placing the crisps and drink onto the table.
'Move over a little,' you said but seeing that he wasn't moving, you pushed Stuart's legs from the side of the couch onto the floor, 'I want to sit down too.' With a huff, Stuart gave you a glare and then moved his body so that he was no longer lying on the coach but sitting on it.
'I don't understand why you've got to sit here, there's another sofa over there you can take a seat on,' Stuart replied as he inched his legs back onto the sofa, 'You could even sit on the floor if you wanted to.' You gave him a slight shove as you sat on his legs and said, "I swear, Stuart, you're rapidly turning into cousin Sheldon.' You laughed when you saw Stuart's shocked expression as he stared at you in mock horror and pulled his legs out from underneath you.
'How dare you insult Sheldon? I'll have you know that without him, this family wouldn't exist,' replied Stuart with a small smile on his lips. You rolled your eyes before picking up your cup and taking a few sips from it.
Stuart took one of your crisps with a large grin and a quick thanks as he devoured it and then reached to take a handful which you gave him begrudgingly. You took a few yourself before turning towards the TV, your legs propped up on the table.
Next to Stuart's hand was the remote which you stared at for a few seconds, wondering if you'd be able to reach it. 'Come on then,' Stuart said as he pushed his glasses, which had begun to slide down his nose, back up, 'What do you want to watch?'
'Really?' you asked as you reached out for the remote.
'Really.' Stuart said as he passed it to you and then turned back to look at the TV. 'Just don't put on anything you know I hate.'
You gave him an innocent smile before beginning to scroll through the channels. You wouldn't put on anything he disliked on purpose but if you found something you liked and he didn't, you might accidentally click on it and lose the remote too. The fact that he had willingly given you the remote made you decide against that plan though.
Instead you turned towards him, crossing your legs while you did and stated, 'No, there is a difference. You're not annoying like him." Stuart let out a laugh and nudged you with his shoulder.
'Stop acting like you don't secretly adore him. You used to make me follow him around with you when we were kids because you were so fascinated with Sheldon Cooper, the bestest and kindest cousin ever! Don't you remember saying that?' Stuart smirked as reminisced about how you'd loved Sheldon due to the fact he'd always tell you random scientific which you had no idea about and he'd let you play with his toys too but the thing you both remembered most vividly was the fact that you always got loads of treats from your parents after Sheldon came around. You'd never understood why most people disliked him especially since he was hilarious without even trying to be funny.
'Oh shut up,' you smiled as you placed one of the cushions behind your back, 'At least I didn't try to kidnap him once.'
'It was an accident,' he howled as he took a sip from your cup and then crossed his arms.
You let out a small giggle before saying, 'Now be quiet so we can watch this movie...'


Credit on this imagine goes to Multi--Fandom-Imagines on Tumblr.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now