Chapter 14 : The Beginning of The End

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Ashley's P.O.V.

It's been a few days since I've heard anything about him. Since then, I've been so moody and always quiet. I don't know why but it feels like a piece of me is missing. 


"AAHH!! Oh My God Miranda!! You scared me!!" My heart was about to jump out of my body when she sneaked up on me like that. I can't even feel my heartbeat for a moment. 

"Hahaha. I know it worked. I can see you were somewhere else just now. Your body is here but your mind is somewhere else, right?" she was still smiling, happy that she got to scare me like that.

"Argh, I hate you!!" But at least she made me smile a little. 

"Are you still thinking about him?" The moment she said that, I feel that my smile was fading. "Oh c'mon! Snap out of it. If you still love him then why don't you just call him and tell him that you still want him?"

"But what if he doesn't want me anymore? What if..."

"Stop with the 'what if' question ok? C'mon let me take you somewhere special to clear up your mind and find some peace, okay?" 

I was about to say something when she interrupted me. "Na'ah. I'm not going to take no as the answer. Now go get ready!" She pulled me up and hurried me to my room. "I'll be waiting for you in the car." She smile before closing the door. 

After a few minutes later, I rushed down the stairs and got into the car. I was wearing just a simple evening dress with a purple sandal. 

"So where are we going?" I asked as I was buckling up.

"Somewhere special." She replied as she drove down the road.

"So you're not telling me huh? C'mon! At least give me a clue." I said, poking her.

"Nope. Just wait and see." I give up and did like what she said. Wait and see.


So, we arrived at a park that was located in front of the Eiffel tower.

"This is where you were taking me and not telling me about?" She nodded with a smile. "But I was thinking somewhere high up on a mountain or a peaceful lake or..."

"Oh c'mon! You'll love it!" She said grabbing my hand.

"But you should just tell me you know? It's not that much of a secret." I said with an annoying face.

"It's not like what you think and yes there is a secret that I should tell you but decided not to." And now she made me even more confused. Why is she being so mysterious all of a sudden? "I guess I should just leave you two alone." 

Wait what did she mean by 'leaving you two alone'? Who is the other person? I thought it was just going to be me and her?

"Wait, what do you mean?"

And when she leave, I saw someone appearing from behind a tree. And it's him. My true love. The one that I couldn't live without. Greyson Chance. I was kind of shocked at first and mad at Miranda at the same time for not telling me this! I could have dressed up better! She's so going to get it from me.

"Didn't expect this to happen?" He asked as he walked closer to me. And how I miss to hear his voice. That lovely voice. 

"Well..yeah..of course..I.." But before I could finish, he put his finger on my lips.

"Listen, I'm sorry for what I've done to you. I take back every single mean word that I've said to you. I didn't mean it. I'm really really sorry. I was just so stressed back then and I couldn't control myself. I love you more than anything and I don't want you to leave me. I really..."

As he was talking and talking, I took a step closer, put my arms around his neck and slowly leaned in to kiss him. I gently pressed my lips on his. He stopped talking and kissed me back. It was like the whole world around me had stopped just to watch our romantic moment. 

We pull apart and I told him, "Enough talking already. I still love you and I always will." We looked into each others eyes as long as possible.

"And I will always love you no matter what happen. That's a promise." He smiled and was about to kiss me again when he suddenly looks like he  remembered something. "Oh I almost forgot...because of your sweet sweet kiss." I laughed and at the same time felt relieved about what just happened. Our relationship is not over and never will be. "I bought you something."

"Really? Oh no wonder you kept one hand behind your back. So what is it?"

Then he took out his hand from behind and gave me a bouquet of lavender that was still freshly purple. "You like it?"

"No." He look disappointed but then, "I love it!!! Oh my God thank you so much sweetheart. I thought you forgot." His smile came back.

"How can I forgot my darling's favourite colour? By the way you look beautiful baby."

"Oh stop." I was blushing but then I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and hug him as tight as I could as if I'm going to lose him.

"C'mon let's go up that tower. I've always wanted to take you there." He said.

"Aww I would love to, but after I go to the loo, okay? I gotta pee. Hehe." He laughed and said, "Okay but don't take it too long. I'll be waiting right here." He started singing, "I'm waiting, waiting..."

"Okay okay stop I really need to go right now" I interrupted. 

"Haha. Okay honey." Then give me a kiss which probably be the last kiss before I was...


That's it for this chapter... ^_^ 

I know I know..cliffhangers!!! again!!! sorry but just want to add in some suspense..

So comment below about what you think about this chapter and keep reading!!!

I love you guys!! ^_^


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