Chapter 8 : I'll save you, baby.

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I couldn't hold my tears from falling. Oh my god, what's going to happen to him? What will that psycho do? I'm supposed to protect him but look where is he now. I have to save him no matter what it takes. I have to save the only person I love! 

I rushed into my dad's office and crashed in without even knocking.

"Dad, I have to go to Paris this instant. Get me my private jet now. I need..."

"Woah woah wait a minute. Now, explain words by words. Why do you suddenly change your mind? You still have some missions to complete."

"Dad, please. This is more important than those missions. Get someone else to replace me, please."

"But why do you care so much about him? You're just assigned to look after him, to be his secret bodyguard not his girlfriend."

"And that's the problem is. I am his girlfriend, dad. I fall in love with him. We're officially dating each other."

"You what?!"

"Please, dad. He's in danger. I need to save him. I love him, dad. I can't lose him, he's my everything." Tears came running down my face and it seemed to change dad's reaction.

"Hmm. Ok I'll let you go. But promise me you'll take care of yourself."

"Thanks, dad. You're the best." I hugged him. Then, he pulled me back and wiped my tears away.

"Now go! Before it's too late."

So, I ran outside and my private jet has already waiting for me to take off. I jumped inside and put on my seat belt.  I used one of my gadget to detect Greyson's location. I can detect him by using the microchip inside his bullet necklace. Thank god he always wear it wherever he goes. Now the only thing left, is to save my beloved boyfriend. My everything.

"Be strong baby. I'm coming for ya."

Kidnapped by a psycho (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now