Chapter 10 : The Game Is On Part II

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Greyson's P.O.V.

"Wake up sleepy head!!" 

I heard a voice screaming for me to wake up. I could barely open my eyes. Everything was dark as usual whether it's  day or night. I don't even know for how many days have I been down here.

"I said wake up!!" she shouted as she slapped my face hard. I groaned in pain and I tried to move but I realized that I was tied to a chair with hands behind my back.

"Stop hurting me, you bitch!!" I looked her straight in the eyes but she seemed to be ignoring.

"Why should I? I love doing this to you. It's fun you know. And satisfying. After what you've done, I think you deserve it." she smiled kind of like an evil witch. "But I don't think I can keep you any longer. You've starting to get boring."

What does she mean by that? Is she going to let me go? No, that would be impossible. "What do you mean that you can't keep me any longer? What are you going to do to me?"

She came closer and knelled down in front of me. Then she ran her finger down my face and said, "I'll tell you what. Why don't I just kill you and drag your body somewhere far from here or maybe I could just bury you in the woods. How's that?"

Oh my god!! She's going to kill me?! And throw my body away just like that?! 

"You sucks!! I know you wouldn't dare to do it. You're just a sick person who's trying to be normal!! 

"Shut up shut up shut up!!! Or else..."

"Or else what? You're going to shoot me? Then do it!! I'd rather die than to be your pet!!" There was silence for a sec. 

Then she said, "Fine. You've made me do it. If that's what you want. But your dying will be the most painful thing you'll ever feel." She went out of the basement to take something. A weapon to kill me I guess. Well, I meant every words I said. I'd rather just die here. I don't think anyone could save me anymore. I've lost all my hope.

After a while, she came back holding a long and sharp knife. Then, she walked slowly step by step towards me. 

"Any last words before I stab you for as much as I wanted to?"

"Just tell Ashley...I...I love her...More than I love myself." Tears started to roll down my cheeks. If only I could stare at her beautiful eyes, her perfect face for the last time right now.

"Awwh, how sweet." she said sarcastically. "Don't worry. I'll tell her every single words you said."

"And please I beg you please don't kill her too."

"Oh no no. I won't. Because I know she'll suffer when she knows her beloved boyfriend is dead. And I'll watch her suffers every single day. Okay, enough chit chat. Now, it's time." I closed my wet eyes, ready to face whatever was going to happen. I just hope that it won't be as painful as I thought. 

She held the knife with both of her hands and raised it in the air up high, ready to stab me when suddenly.........


cliffhangers!! hehe sorry.. 

i just wana add some suspense in the story..

and sorry if it's kinda short...

so comment and favourite pls.. ^_^


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