Chapter 4: I want to go home

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Ashley's P.O.V.

He had only been in Paris for a day but I miss him already. We've been together ever since he'd become famous. I was supposed to go with him but I gave him the reason that my mom is sick. I had to lie. I can't tell him the truth. He probably wouldn't want to be my boyfriend if he knew I'm a secret agent that was assigned by his dad to look after him. 

"Maybe I should call him. At least I can hear his voice." I took my phone and dialed his number.

"Tut tut... Tut tut... Tut tut..." 

"That's weird. He usually picks up after the second ring. Well, maybe he's busy." I put my phone aside but my heart kept telling me there's something going on. I can't stop thinking about him. I'm getting worried.

"Stop it Ashley! Think positive." I said to myself trying to calm myself down. "He's going to be okay. Oh Grey, if only you know I miss you so much.


Jennifer's P.O.V.

"Good thing you're awake." I shut the door behind me and went closer to him. I can see fear in his face as I kneeled down beside him. 

"You know, you're so cute when you're all tied up." I run my finger down his face and look him in the eyes. He turned his face away from me and tried not to look me back in the eyes. His tears were rolling down his cheek.

"I'm going to take off this duct tape from your mouth but promise me you won't scream." He looked at me and nodded. I pulled off his duct tape gently so I won't hurt him.

"What do you want from me?" He asked, trying to sound normal.

"It's simple." I wiped his tears off his cheek with my hand. "I love you and I want you to be mine. Forever."

"But I don't know you and I don't love you!" He screamed in front of my face.

"Don't you said that in front of me!" I slapped him hard in his face. Then I realized what I just done. "Oh my gosh. I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that. Are you okay?" He didn't say anything but I can barely see his tears streaming down his face. 

"I just want to go home." He whispered to himself.

"Greyson, I'm..." Suddenly his phone went off. Then I remembered I took his phone after I knocked him out. I took the phone from my pocket and saw a girl's name on it.

"Ashley? Who is this?"

"She's...She's my...girlfriend."

"Your WHAT??!!!" I can feel my blood pressure was getting higher and I was about to explode! How can he has a girlfriend and I didn't know about it?! I'm supposed to be his girlfriend not this chick named Ashley!

"Please don't do anything to her. You can hurt me but don't hurt her. She's my everything."

"Shut up!! Why Greyson why? I love you don't you know that? I'm your girlfriend not her! We're going to get married and have kids and live happily..."

"You sick." He interrupted.


"I said you're sick! You're a psycho! You deserve to be in a mental hospital!" He said that with all his energy he had left. I couldn't believe he said that. I couldn't believe what I just heard. And now, he's going to regret what he just said and wish he could take back his words.

"You're going to wish you haven't said that in the first place. I'm done being nice with you. Now, let's play this the hard way."

Kidnapped by a psycho (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now