Chapter 7 ~~ One New Teammate

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(Y/N)'s POV

It had been almost a month sense the incident at the restaurant. You've tried your best to avoid conversation about it, but of course everyone had questions. Which you also tried to avoid. 

You sat at your desk, looking through some files on the last case. Everyone at the station was tense due to the death of Ed Dunkin, a police officer killed by his partner. 

"Hello." Came a voice from behind you making you jump and turn around only to find Jones standing there. "Still looking at the files?" 

You nod after taking a second to calm down. "Ya, just thought I should look at it before we put it away." 

Just then the chief walked in. "You both still looking at that case?" he asked. You and Jones both nodded as you put the folder back into the drawer on your desk.

"Well, I come with good news this time thankfully," Chief said.

"Really?" you said looking at him confused, usually he only came to you for new cases or information.

He smiled a bit "Yep! We're getting a new team member"

"Again, already?" Jones asked, a bit confused about why they would hire someone just hiring someone else.

"Yes, may I remind you we just lost a team member, a new member would be beneficial for the team." the chief replied.

You turned to Jones and smiled, "you're already tired of me?"

"What? No! I just.. uh..." he said awkwardly, obviously not used to this amount of new people joining at once.

"Will you both focus, please? Besides, he'll be working with you both."

"When will we meet him?" You asked curiously and stood up from your desk and began cleaning off the extra desk next to you. You weren't exactly the neatest person, meaning your stuff might have made itself onto the extra desk. You quickly simply worked on looking semi-organized hoping not to get immediately fired.

"He's actually parked outside. I'll go get him." Chief said before leaving.

You took some time to organize yourself, putting the several empty folders in a drawer and full folders in completed case folders. Then you took all the pens and pencils that basically covered your desk and put them in a holder to prevent them from getting everywhere again.

"You're really messy," Jones said laughing a bit.

"Oh really, I didn't notice at all." You said rolling your eyes with a small smile.

Just then the door opened and the Chief walked in with a boy about Jones' age. The boy was a bit taller than the Chief and had blue eyes and blonde hair. He had semi-pale skin and was wearing a traditional police uniform.

"Alright Jones, (Y/N), this is Lucas."

"Hello.." the boy said quietly. He seemed either really quiet or really secretive. It was hard to figure out which one it was.

"Hi.," Jones said then glanced at you, totally unaware on how to handle this.

You bit your lip to keep from laughing and walked up to Lucas and held out your hand with a small smile. "Hello, I'm officer (Y/N) (L/N). Welcome to the Grimsborough police department."

He took your hand and shook it with a smile. "I'm Lucas."

Maybe this won't be so bad after all...


Ok, thats all! SO SO SO sorry!

I had a big musical production with my school!


Leave ideas and suggestions in the comments!

I'll try to update more often now... sorry again! Bye bye!


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