Chapter 3~~one bear

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<+> A few days later <+>

(Y/N)'s POV

It's been a few days sense i moved in with Mrs-Ko- I mean mommy. Her and Daddy live in a homeless camp, but honestly, I don't mind, any place is better then my old home. Plus everyone is super nice! My cuts are starting to heal due to the medicine the doctors gave me. I'm finally starting to feel happy, but then Mommy said...

"We have to go to the trial..."

"The tri-al?" i asked curiously.

"We need to go help put your parents in jail..."

My face fell. "I-I have to see.... them..."

"Unfortunately yes... It wont be long, we just need proof so they will go to jail for a long time."

"O-Okay" I said as we started to walk to the court house.

<>Time skip due to magical-ness and stuff :P<>

(Y/N)'s POV

It was so scary there... They were there, looking at me, hating me. At least finally we had a break... I sat outside of the court house, sat on the step, and started crying.

"Are you okay?" I heard a voice ask.

I saw a boy, about 6, with brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a blue shirt with jeans and carrying a teddy bear.


"Whats wrong?"

I told him everything, i just felt so safe around him... after i finished he hugged me.

"I'm so sorry, that sounds horrible..."

"Well thanks for listening..."

He smiled and made a super hero pose "My daddy's a cop! I wanna be just like him and save people like you!" he said

I laughed "I'm (Y/N). Whats your name?"

"I'm Jones, here." he handed me his teddy bear. I looked at it in awe

"your giving it to me?"


I smiled and hugged him again. "I need to go back in, I hope I see you again soon!"

He smiled back. "Me too!"

But... To be honest.... I don't think I ever did see him again...


Any ideas?? Leave them in the comment!! See you in the next update! :D

~~Kito and Luna

Criminal Case Fanfic [Jones x reader]Where stories live. Discover now