Chapter 2~~One Family

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(Y/N)'s POV

They stared at you for a second. "(Y/N)... did you do this?" the principal asked in concern. "N-no m-m-my p-par—" in the middle of your sentence, you just burst into tears, letting all the years of abuse and torture pour out in tears. The principal got up,oviously understanding and started to call the police. Mrs.Koval put you on her lap and hugged you tight as you cried into her dress.

<+>Time skip to when the police get here<+>

All the kids were really confused, scared, and fascinated when the police cars pulled into the school parking lot and police men came out. They quickly walked into the office where you where, you saw the police stare at you almost in shock. Well, then again, you were a crying 5 year old with hundreds of cuts and bruises across your arms, some even on your legs. But you didn't care. You just wanted it to end.

Mrs.Koval's POV

I couldn't believe someone would do this to a child!! Before the police came, she was just crying, and telling us about what her parents do to her. About how at least twice a week, she was down in that basement... not even that... a torcher chamber, being kicked, punched, and cut. How her adopted father was always drunk and how her real parents died to the vipers. Honestly, it's insane! I hugged her while she hugged, at first she started freaking out, not knowing what i was doing, then she realized i wasn't hurting her, calmed down and started talking.

(Y/N)'s POV

When she hugged me, i didn't know what she was doing!! I thought she was going to suffocate me! But then, I felt something... I hadn't felt in years... love...

Mrs.Koval's POV

After a while, the police wanted to question her, to know what was happening. Still held her in my arms, not wanting this child to talk any longer, but i knew she had too. After telling them everything, I noticed her eyes... they were... white?? She looked scared and her eyes quickly turned back to (E/C). I must be seeing things.

The police needed to talk to me, I put (Y/N) on the chair and gave her another cookie, she ate the first one almost instantly. They must be starving her too!! "Stay here, I'll be right back..." she looked at me with a hurt and scared expression, as if she was being left alone. "I promise"

The police took me to a separate room for interrogation. "Maria Koval, how did you find out about this girl's parents." the officer said

"Only a hour or 2 ago."

After about 2 more questions, I heard a shreik, it sounded like (Y/N)'s!

I quickly ran out of the room with the officers and back to the office. Once I got there I saw the medics trying to pick her up. She was screaming and crying. "Dont hurt me!!"

"Put her down." I said firmly and they did, (Y/N) quickly ran to me and hugged my legs.

"Madem we just would like to make sure her cuts aren't infected."

"She's been though a lot in the last few hours, we can do that later."

"So, this is not your daughter?" the police officer asked.

"No, I am just the teacher here, her parents are the one's who did this to her."

The police officer bent down to (Y/N), "Sweetheart, can you tell us your address so we can go talk to your parents." She burst back into tears. "N-no! Don't tell my parents please!! They'll kill me!" I stared at her in shock. She had this idea of her parents... No kid should ever have this opinion about their parents.

"We wont tell your parents, their in big trouble and we need to talk to them, but we need the address"

After she gave the address, I took her to the classroom and made her some lunch. I was reading her a book when an officer came in. "Could we talk to you again?"

"Of course" I said and gave (Y/N) the book.

"Mrs.Koval, we have a problem, the girl has no where to go..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she has only one living relative who is her sister, other then that she has none. She might have to go back to the orphani-"

"I'll adopt her" I said cutting him off. "I'll be her mother"

"Are you sure? I mean—"

"Me and my husband just got married and planning on having a child, so yes, I am sure."

"Alright, I'm going to get the legal papers, please call your husband."

I excitingly called him. "Sam, guess what?! We're getting a child!!" I said exciting

"W-what how, we-" he said nervously but i quickly cut him off.

"No! I mean we're adopting one! Her name is (Y/n), she's 5 and amazing, you must come see her!!"

You could here the happiness in his voice. "I'm coming right now!"

Then I went to go tell (Y/n).

(Y/n)'s POV

When she told me I stared at her for a little. "I-I'm gonna be... y-your daughter." she sat on the ground for a minute then started squealing and jumping up and down. "I'm gonna have a nice mommy!!"

"And daddy" I heard a man say. I turned around and I saw a man with orange clothes and dark hair with streaks of gray in it. He smiled. I jumped up with excitement and hugged him. "What your name?"

"I"m Sam, but you can call me dad."


Hello!! So, first official character to the game has been added, One-Tooth sam, this is just his younger version, later in the story he will be in his game form, i guess. Next chapter is gonna be short I'm sorry, but there is a BIG person coming in!!

~Luna and Kito

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