Young Justice

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Prompt: Fluffy imagine about batboys babysitting their little sister when Alfred and Bruce are away? Like they would go out from ice cream and stuff and it's funny bc they all look intimidating and then the sister is just there looking cute?? (requested by anon)

"Do any of even know how to take care of a child?" Jason asked staring down at his toddler sister. She brightly smiled up at him and wrapped her arms around his legs in a tight hug.

"Jay!" She laughed pressing her cheek to his leg. Jason awkwardly patted the top of her head.

"Uh ... good girl?" He said, really unsure of how to act in this sort of situation.

"Clearly not." Damian retorted dryly in response to Jason's initial question.

"Beats me." Tim said.

"I babysit you guys all the time! How hard could it be?" Dick shrugged. The others looked offended and were prepared to argue with that underhanded dig but the small child released Jason's leg and ran over to Dick and tugged on his sweater. Dick smiled down at her and crouched down to her level.

"What is it little bird?" He asked.

"Can we go to the park?" She asked sweetly.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Dick praised. "Let's go!" He said excitedly. He scooped up his little sister into his arms and ran towards the door.

"Look Dick! I'm Wonder Woman!" She giggled extending her hands out as if she was in mid-flight. Dick let out a gasp of shock and set her down before getting down on his knees. He dramatically bowed down before her.

"I had no idea we were in the presence of royalty. My apologies Princess. Can you ever forgive us?" Dick asked.

"Only if you help me save the day! To the park, Superman!" She cried, heroically extending her fist while she ran towards the car with her brothers trailing behind her.

"Why do you get to be Superman?" Jason grumbled.

"Because I'm her favorite, that's why." Dick retorted. When their sister got impatient with how slow they were being she ran back to them and pulled on Jason's hand to hurry them up.

"Come on Batman! The city's in danger!"

"Wait. Why am I Batman?" Jason asked. She huffed and sighed as if it were the most obvious thing ever.

"Because Jay! You're always grumpy and never smile!" She explained. Dick had to bite back a laugh and thought to himself that he couldn't wait to tell Bruce that one. Jason wanted to argue with her and say he was nothing like Batman but he just couldn't say no to that face. God damn it he was going to be the best Batman possible for this kid.

"Then who are we?" Damian asked.

"You're Green Arrow because you wear that silly hood all the time." She said pointing at that very same green hoodie that she was referring to that he was currently wearing. Point taken. "And you're the Flash because you're really smart and wear red a lot!" She reasoned. Tim couldn't argue with that logic. He could have done much worse.

With their roles now filled they raced to the park in the 'Batmobile' where they entertained their little sister with her game for a while. Dick taught her a few circus tricks when she grew bored of 'Superheros'. Park goers eyed the group of intimidating looking men and teenagers but gave them a wide berth as they played with the clearly delighted child.

When they were getting ready to go back to the manor Jason suggested that they stop at the ice cream place on the way home.

"I don't know Jay. Bruce probably wouldn't like it." Dick said hesitantly.

"Well I say we should. You know why?"

"Don't." The boys warned simultaneously.

"Because I'm Batmaaaaan."

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