King of the Badasses

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Prompt: Batfamily x Reader where the boys are all arguing about who is the most badass in the family, and they ask the reader and she just deadpans and goes like "Alfred" and nobody can argue with that lol (requested by anon)

"Am I the most badass of us all or what?" Jason asked twirling his guns around his fingers before holstering them in his belt. He sure was pretty damn proud of himself.

"Pft! In your dreams Todd. I was raised by the League of Assassins, I'm the true son of Batman. I clearly fill the role of most badass." Damian rolled his eyes.

"Oh please, blood son. I've been training since before you were born. While you were crying at Talia for your Teddy I had already figured out Batman's identity, taken up the role of Robin, and was kicking ass harder and smarter than any of you losers." Tim bragged.

"Sit down sons and let me tell you how it is." Dick said confidently. "I was around before all of you! I was the OG badass and most of all I was an independent badass before any of you even started to train for a position I created."

"Whatever old man."Jason said rolling his eyes.

"[Y/N]! Settle this once and for all, which one of us is the most badass?" Tim asked turning to you. Everyone looked expectantly at you as you sat there wide eyed and surprised that you were going to be the tie breaker.

"Alfred." You responded in a deadpan. There was a brief moment of silence before all the boys nodded and made sounds of approval. It would seem the argument was conclusively settled.  

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