The One That Got Away - Alfred Pennyworth x Reader

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Prompt: How about a grandmother-like person for the Batfam? Like, i thought about an elderly woman, maybe 2-3 years younger than Alfred, who has was a nurse in the war and became a doctor later on, with her own small office and all, and she treats everyone who is willing to come to her without asking uncomfortable questions. At one point, Alfred gets to know her (or the other way around) they get to know each other and somehow have a regular meeting day, like maybe twice a month, where they talk about the good old times and stuff, and Alfred just tells about his family (not the secret part, because well, that would be too early). They keep in contact, and one day the Bats and Robins come home hurt, and Alfred calls her in because he can't operate on three people at the same time, and she then start to stay around more often? anyway, she stays around more often and somehow becomes like a grandma to the kids, and her apple pie is just mean and - my mind is really focused on family fluff. There is no real need to focus on a rlly romantic relationship with Alfred but i think thist amazing Butler deserves someone to lean on too. He's pretty strong himself, but having someone to support him must be nice. Sorry it's so long, and if you're not okay with this it's fine too. (requested by )

"Hey Alfred, can I ask you a question?" Dick asked when he and Alfred were alone.

"Of course Master Dick." Alfred responded dutifully.

"How come you never settled down with a Mrs. Pennyworth?" Dick wondered. Alfred smiled fondly to himself as Dick's question brought forth cherished memories of his glory days.

"Perhaps the right woman never said yes." Alfred offered.

"So there was someone?" Dick asked sensing an age old story lingering just underneath the surface of Alfred's words.

"Once, yes. She was one of the most beautiful nurses that I ever had the pleasure of knowing during the war. I should have known I would never find a girl like her ever again. I should have swept her away while I had the chance." Alfred said remembering the way you looked when he had first met you as a handsome young soldier all those years ago. "Ah, but that's all in the past now isn't it?" Alfred said pulling himself out of his wistful daydreaming. It had been years since you had last seen each other. Alfred didn't even know if you had moved on and got married to someone deserving of you.

"So? Where is she now? We should find her!" Dick suggested enthusiastically.

"Long since moved on I'm afraid, Master Dick." Alfred said.

"You never know until you try Alfred. Who knows, maybe she's still hung up on you too." Dick encouraged hopefully.

Dick makes it his mission from that point on to find the woman who had been lost to the ages. After some digging around, Dick eventually figured out you were a doctor running a clinic for those in need right here in Gotham. He came to find that you have long since been divorced and had no children with your last and only husband. Dick wanted to run to Alfred and tell him of the great new but decided to hold his tongue so that he could concoct the perfect way to reunite you two.

Dick arranged for Alfred to meet with him at a nearby park in the city, not knowing that Dick had also managed convinced you to come to the same location. Dick hid himself in the treetops before either of you arrived to watch over the events. You arrived first looking around to search for any mysterious figure that might have summoned you here. When Alfred arrived your eyes widened in recognition and shock.

"Alfred? Is that you?"

"[Y/N]?" Alfred asked in disbelief as he took in your features. You had changed so much but he could still see the nurse he had fallen in love with all those years ago. After all these years his love for you hadn't waned and neither had yours.

Dick smiled a satisfied grin at his handiwork and left to leave you two to it.

Over the next few months Dick noticed that Alfred would disappear every couple of weeks and come back with a secret smile playing at his lips and a slight hum as he worked.

"So ... how's [Y/N]?" Dick asked.

"I have no earthly idea what you are talking about Master Richard."

"Sure you don't you sly dog."

As time passed you started making your presence known around the family. Every once and awhile you could be found in the kitchen with Alfred preparing a delicious meal for everyone. All the boys got to know you and soon began to think of you as an extension of the family, a grandmother of sorts even. You never had the chance to have children of your own but these boys soon became like grandsons to you. You baked goodies with Damian, comforted Tim during his bouts of melancholy, consistently gifted your old books to Jason, and shared your stories with Dick.

Despite being so close to the family you still weren't privy to their secret looks and coded messages. You stayed out of the loop until Alfred called you late one night pleading with you to come to the manor. There was an emergency and you were needed with your family.

You raced over to the manor, medical bag in tow. Alfred met you at the door and hurriedly led you through the mansion and through a secret passageway that you never knew existed. You weren't phased by the existence of an entire other world beneath the house you only wanted to make sure the boys were alright. You immediately rushed over to their sides when you saw them in various states of injury. Alfred joined your side and as you stitched up Jason and he worked on patching Damian up.

"You had better hope that you all are alright. You should be ashamed of yourselves, worrying me like that." You scolded.

"Sorry [Y/N]." They apologized, at least having the good sense to look remorseful for almost giving you a heart attack.

"Does this mean we don't get to eat your apple pie tonight?" Jason asked with a hint of panic in his voice at the thought of having to go without your famous dessert.

"Of course not. I'm not that cruel. Just don't scare me like this again." You reasoned.

"No promises."

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