Costume Party

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Prompt: Maybe something where all the Batfamily dresses as their superhero counterparts, like Dick being Nightwing, and Damian being Robin, and so. And the reader is also a vigilante they just like cosplay and go to a big Halloween party, and there are so much more cosplays of them and they're mad because everyone says there are some more convincing cosplays. Bonus points if there is a ship fight where they argue which superhero would best fit the reader's vigilante, because everyone's a geek, please.

"Is anyone at all worried that someone is going to recognize us?" Tim asked adjusting his adjusting his mask on his face for the thousandth time. You were all on your way to a large Halloween party and being that the most popular selling costumes this year were members of the Justice League you figured you all would be blend in well in your patrol uniforms.

"I highly doubt it." You said rolling your eyes at Tim's nervousness.

"And what makes you so confident?" Dick asked as you approached the door of the club.

"Call it a gut feeling." You shrugged and stepped through the door to reveal the multitude of colorful costumes, many of which being impressive copies of your group's costume.

"Seeing it now." Jason grumbled crossing his arms over his chest as a Red Hood passed in front of him.

"Dude! Nice Hood! A little inaccurate but still really impressive!" The Red Hood complemented before walking back off into the crowd.

"Inaccurate? What the fuck does he know?"

"No I see it! It's not the right shade of red. The real Red Hood's helmet is more of a blood red than a crimson." You taunted.

"How the fuck would you know the color of the real Hood's helmet?" Jason asked you accusingly, playing into your little game.

"I've seen him!" You said defensively. "And he was totally hitting on me the entire time."

"Bull. Shit." Jason challenged.

"Oh my god!" An already drunk girl shrieked throwing her arms around both you and Jason. "Your costumes are so good! Are you guys dating cuz you guys are totally my OTP." She slurred.

"No." You and Jason responded simultaneously. The woman pouted but immediately brightened when she saw another Nightwing across the room behind Dick. She squealed and started to stumble her way towards the other Nightwing across the room which also happened to be in Dick's direction.

"Oh my god! It's Nightwing!" She cried excitedly. Dick turned to face the woman and gave her a bright charming smile.

"No need to thank me kind citizen. I'm only here to help." He said exaggerating his hero voice. You raised an eyebrow and snorted when the girl sneered at Dick.

"Not you. The other Nightwing. You don't have the fingerstripes or nearly as good of an ass." She pointed out and with a flick of her hair over her shoulder she readjusted herself in her costume and sauntered over to the better Nightwing, leaving Dick slack jawed and very confused. You and Tim broke out in hysterical laughter at the scene.

"You hear that, Dick? You don't have the infamous Nightwing ass!" You snickered.

"I think this is your sign to lay off the Halloween candy, bro." Jason said with a straight face, putting his hand comfortingly on Dick's shoulder. Dick snapped out of his stupor and pushed Jason's hand away.

"Shut up Crimson Hood. That woman was clearly drunk. She had no idea what she was talking about!" Dick rationalized.

"If you're going by that logic, inebriated people are more likely to tell the truth." Tim pointed out matter-of-factly.

"Face it Dick, your ass isn't all it's cracked out to be. You've lost your touch." You broke it to him gently.

"No. I refuse to believe it." He insisted shaking his head.

"Aw! I think he's in denial Jay!" You cooed..

"Sorry man." Tim said patting Dick's back comfortingly.

"No. It's not true!" Dick insisted. You all shook your heads sadly before separating away from Dick to join the rest of the party. "[Y/N]! It's not true, right?"

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