Chapter Twenty-Two.

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December 1st. Exactly one week before my due date. Also the day Harry comes home. Well, not home. Im still unsure where he calls home. But home is where the heart is. So maybe I'm his home. Who knows.

My thoughts have been like this lately. Scattered and consistently changing from one thing to another. I haven't even had the attention span to finish a song. Rylee says it comes with being pregnant, everyone's bodies act differently. And considering what's going to happen within the next few weeks, it's a miracle I've kept it together this long. I've been trying to embrace it as much as possible, trying to avoid the dissection of every possibility. The doorbell rings and I check my phone, 2:57. I dash to the door as fast as a pregnant women can. My toes gripping the hardwood as I bounce off the ground. I haven't seen Ali in weeks, and this should be her. When I open the door, I'm ready to pounce into her arms but instead I see... Liz. "Oh!" I say, shocked to see Burnett instead of blonde. "What are you doing here?" I proceed with a hug and pull her inside. The draft from the bitter Nashville wind circling it's way through the house.

"Ali called me, said that she was supposed to take you to the airport but that something came up." She shrugs and bites her lip. "I know how much you were looking forward to seeing her-"

I cut her off, tying up my boots. "Don't worry about it Liz. She's busy preparing and I mean, I want her to be as prepped as possible." I look at Liz, "let's just get to the airport. I need to see Harry."

Her lips curve into a smile, "alrighty darlin' let's head!"

Through the drive, my toes are tipped up, my knees bouncing. Ellie is swimming around like no tomorrow. My fingertips press into my stomach nervously, and excitedly. I hadn't seen Harry in months. Since August to be exact. His manager threatened him and me, our relationship to be more on point. I was a broken record without him. My days were long and dull. I had to stop myself multiple times from running off on to my private jet to find him. It didn't feel real that I was finally seeing him again. It seemed like the dream I've dreamt every night. It's not until I'm standing in a crowd of people, searching for his dimpled cheeks that it all becomes real.

My fingers scratch against my cotton dress. My eyes scanning every smile in the crowd, hoping for familiarity. Once I come across it, everything else becomes distant. The beaming smile chases it's way to me through the hustling crowd. His hands immediately going to my cheeks, cupping my face and leaning his lips to mine. I grasp his forearms, feeling his pulse running. I breathe into his kiss. The feeling sending me through the roof. Fireworks driving from the inside, out. I feel like I could say so much, but there's not time for words. Just kisses. His hands run down to my belly and his lips fall from mine. "God, I've missed you." He says. oh the voice from heaven. Although, it sounds like he's choking on tears.

I let out a half laugh and leap into his arms, my fingers digging into the back of his graphic tee. I've been waiting for months, and I finally have it back. That comfort, that familiarity, that sense of belonging. And all of that just leads to Harry, and everything he is. As much as I'm tempted to stay like that forever with his hands clenched to my hips, I break off. Tipping his forehead to mine, I kiss him again to leave enough of a tease. (I've got months to make up for). "Let's get out of here," I whisper, which only leads to his dimples surprising me.

Liz comes up with a reason to dash off to some appointment or something. To be completely honest, something tells me she's got nothing better to do. But I'm not questioning it. I push the door closed and Harry kicks off his shoes. I take his hand, twisting my arms around his, kissing his cheek. I'm craving his attention and touch and voice and smile. I'm craving him. "It's so good to be home." He turns, pushing hair behind my ear and leaning to my lips for a deep passionate kiss, one much better than what airport air had to offer.

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