Chapter Five.

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Days off were something I rarely got. So when the week and a half gap between shows, I took it as a chance to go back to Nashville and spend some time with the family.

The Nashville heat is blazing, it's the beginning of June and I can tell it's going to be a hot summer. My dad is busy as well as Austin so mom and I go our separate ways. A old friend of mine, Liz, has been house sitting. And as silly as that sounds, she good at it. Taking care of my planets and such. Making sure my fish in the tanks don't die out on me. And I get a welcoming home, I couldn't be happier.

When I arrive in the doors I'm greeted with Liz in a party hat, making some weird sound with a blower. I laugh as she throws streamers in the air. "Welcome home!" She calls.

"Thanks, Liz." I chuckle as I quickly hug her.

"I've missed you!" She squeezes out into the hug. "So how was your flight?" She releases and drags me into the living room where I engulf myself into the couch.

"Crampy, now that you mention it." I sigh. My stomach has been killing me for days. It had occurred to me that it must just be my body PMSing, but it's been almost a week and I'm not too sure.

"I hate being a girl," Liz huffs, "actually, I take that back. I like being a girl, I just don't like what comes with it."

"Very true, but I don't know what this is. I've been cramping for a week and it still hasn't came."

Liz looks at me questionably. "Well I mean, you do dance a lot on stage. And move around a bunch."

I shake my head, "I don't think something like that would prevent it. I mean, the other tours didn't have that."

"Maybe you should call your doctor." She suggests.

"Yeah, maybe I will. Our family friend is a doctor, she'd probably know. Plus, I can't afford to get sick on this tour. I have people counting on me."

Liz smiles as I reach for my phone, excusing myself to my bedroom. I dial in Rylee's phone number and wait for her to answer. She quickly does so, her peppy voice chiming through. "Taylor, love! How are you?!"

I laugh, "hey Ry, I'm good. How are you?"

"Busy with the little ones, we've got Macy's sixth birthday coming up this weekend! Speaking of which, are you in town? The kids would just love to see their Auntie Taylor!"

I'm honoured that she even remembers me. I haven't seen her in ages. "Actually, I am, are you sure I wouldn't be intruding?"

"Don't be silly!" She chuckles. "I'll text you the details. Now, Taylor. What is it you need, you never call without reason?"

"Um, yeah. I actually have a question. As you know I'm on tour, have been since march, and I haven't got mother natures gift since the tour started. I've been getting cramps every month, but I haven't actually gotten it. Do you thing it's just the jumping an running around on stage?"

She thinks for a moment. "Hmm, there's a few things it could be. A number of options. Has this happened with the last tour?"

"No! I've always gotten it, on time even!"

"Alright," she pauses, "is there any way you could be pregnant?"

I laugh at this, "no. Not possible. Impossible in fact!"

"Well, you're dating Harry Styles right? Are you sexually active?"

I lick my lips, "well, yes... But I'm on birth control and we use protection for the most part. I'm not pregnant."

"Okay..." Her voice goes softer. "How's your um... Ya know."

She doesn't have to say another word before I know. "It's fine." I stutter.

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