New Room Mate?

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"Sydney," a manly voice called from outside. "Um--hello? I'm looking for a girl called," he looked at his clipboard "Sydney Winchester." My eyes widened with curiosity. I straightened my hair and rubbed my eyes. "Hello," I blushed. "I'm uh-- Sydney." He ran his hand through his blond hair. "Uh great! Im Cody-- Welsh." He explained. "I heard you didn't have a dorm buddy?" He asked. "Yes-- that's me." "Great! I'll be right up." He was there in less than three seconds. "Woah! How'd you get here so fast?" I asked. "Oh, I have speed as a power." He replied. "Neat! I have telekinesis, and--" I tried to finish before I caught myself. "And---" he waited for me to finish. "And nothing sorry, I was spacing out. I do that a lot." I pulled my hair behind my ear. I'm sorry but the kid was kinda cute. , She's really pretty, Dirty Blond hair, hazel eyes. He thought. He's really cute blond hair, blue eyes. I thought. I took the luggage from his hands and set them on the left bed. "Thanks but, I bet I could do it faster." He smirked. "Oh yeah?" I lifted the other bags up without using my hands. I smirked back. He ran as fast as he could barely able to take the other bags away from my hands. "Hey!" I laughed. Everything was swell until, Bang! The door was being knocked. "Open up!" The voice screeched. I formally opened the door. "This student isn't on the list." She checked her clipboard, while doing so Cody ran underneath the bed. I stood there blankly. What was he doing? Later, I discovered what he was doing. "What kid! There's no kid in here." I laughed. She rubbed her glasses. "Hmm... I thought for sure--" I interrupted. "Must've been an illusion." Sorry that's the best I could do, I'm NOT good at lying."Well anyway, enjoy your new roommate." She closed the door. "Illusion really?" He asked. "Did you have a better word that would fit that sentence?" I asked. He didn't respond. "Just let me do the talking." He remarked. "Fine whatever. Anyway, this is your bed and that's your desk and your bookshelf." I explained. "Wow! You did a great job decorating your side of the room." He said. "Thanks, I'm known for being the decorative type." I proudly said.

"You inspired me," he ran around his side of the room at the speed of sound with a red streak behind him

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"You inspired me," he ran around his side of the room at the speed of sound with a red streak behind him. " There." He finished.

"Wow," I stood there spectating

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"Wow," I stood there spectating. "Good job." I finished. Cody looked at his watch in shock. "We gotta go!" We ran out the door as fast as we could barely making it to power training. "So that's what we're going to--" "Here sir-- uh Big C." I yelled. "Well, good. Because, we were just about to start." He frowned. I smiled, it faded away when Mr. Clark called me up saying " Syd, why don't you show the class how to do the telekinesis thing you do." He smirked. "Wh-why me?" I asked. "Because. Raise your hand if anyone in this room, has telekinesis as a power!" He yelled. None raised there hands. "That's why." He said with that "told you so" face. "It's okay you'll do great." Cody patted me on the back. I smiled. I confidently approached the stage looking back at Cody. He put his thumbs up. I just sarcastically smiled. "Go ahead." Big C insisted. I lifted the flag of the school of the ground obviously without touching it. The crowd was in awe, they seemed surprised. Big C especially. I ran back to my seat as fast as I could. "Thank you Sydney. Amy would you come up and show them your power?" He asked. What! Amy, as in the Amy who was my roomie? "Thank you for choosing me Mr.Clark." She flittered her eye lashes."No problem." He responded. She began "changing the weather" as she likes to call it. I'm the only one who knows the truth, I think. She swirled her finger creating a tornado. The school screamed and shouted. Big C acted like it was supposed to happen. I used my telekinesis and forced it back. But it was to strong. I tried moving people out of the room including myself. Big C just stood there, I tried to save home but he refused. But I realized I forgot Cody, I was so ashamed. I ran back into the power training room, Cody seemed as though he was thinking, I was kinda confused. This is Cody we're talking about, he's smart REALLY smart. I thought. Cody ran around the tornado in the opposite direction, reversing it. Amy wasn't happy, the tornado stopped and all of the kids came back in shocked. " You saved my life, thanks." I smiled. "Any time." Cody said hyperventilating at the same time. Big C walked over to me, "Why didn't you evacuate?" I asked. "I knew she wasn't going to win." He explained. "How?" I questioned. "Because," he tried to finish. "Because..." I can't stand when people don't finish there sentences until three minutes later. I thought. "Because, I've had the same thing happen at my school, and I didn't finish my sentence three minutes later thank you very much." He corrected. Amy was crying in the back corner. I ran over to see if I could help. "Get away from me." She demanded. "Why?" I asked. "I'm dangerous." "No your not." I said as I cracked my hands. "You know how I know your lying?" She asked. "How?" When I asked that it came out more as a declarative word then interrogative. "Because when you lie you crack your fingers." She said. "Good point. Anyway, what is going on with you?" I asked. "I think I was being--being controlled somehow." She tried to explain. "What--what do you mean?" "Something just went inside me and took over. Please forgive me, and maybe--forget this even happened?" She responded. "Okay, if it makes you feel better." I smiled. That night I couldn't go to sleep I kept thinking about the hole fiasco. Was that really just an accident? Is Big C lying? Is Amy telling the real truth?

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