"The place"

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"No! No! I'm not evil! I can't control my powers!" I muttered in my sleep. "Wake up! Wake up!" My little sister Bella screamed. While shaking me back and fourth. "Huh! What!" I yelled. "How long was I yelling for? What did I say?" I asked. " One question at a time. First off, you've been yelling for---" she looked at her pink sparkly watch. "---12 minutes. And you said something about not being able to control your powers..." she finished. " I what!" I exclaimed. Oh no what if I can't control my powers when I get them! I thought. Besides that, I smelt delicious bacon crippling from downstairs. I ran following the scent, it led right to my mom with her expertise of bacon. "Mmmm, looks good mom." I said. " well I'm not as good as your father was, but, I try." She replied. I frowned hearing the last part of the sentence. Most people don't know this about me but, me and my siblings dad died when I was 3, no one ever told me how he was
killed though. "Well I'm going to go get ready for school." I said. " Not so fast young lady, you can't go to power school without a power right?" My mom said. " Oh right!" I exclaimed. "Wait so how do I redeem my power anyway?" I asked. " Well it's simple all we have to do is get to the place." She declared, while winking at my older brother Kyle, who had the power to read minds. "What place?" I asked. " The place where everyone gets their power." She replied. We went in the back yard, and my mom moved vines away from the secret door that led to "the place". We walked in and I was in awe at what my eyes were seeing.

"Woah, mom! This place is amazing!" I shouted

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"Woah, mom! This place is amazing!" I shouted. I looked at this huge tower that held the building up like a pillar, and it had a carving that read: ON THIS TOWER, EVERY THIRTEEN YEAR OLD, SHALL CARVE THEIR POWER SIMBLE IN IT. " What's this mom?" " Its a tower where we all put our simbles in and you finally get to do it!" She screamed with excitement. " Yeah about the power... what if--- what if---- what if it's a--- evil power." I whispered. " What was that honey?" She said not listening. " Oh uh nothing mother." "Ok ready!" My mom yelled. " Ready as I'll ever be." The power drained out of the tower with the carvings, and it all trailed into me. My veins glew gold as well as my eyes. And the power filled me. " Owww you never said this would hurt! Aahhhh!" I yelled. " Not much longer hun your almost done!" My mom said. I could almost just see a hallow-gram of my dad staring at me with those red deviant eyes. Saying: Don't let me down Sydney, I'm counting on you! He vanished! My eyes glew red for a moment and flickered back to gold. And it finally stopped. I was hyperventilating for a moment. " Is it over?" I questioned. " Yes, it's done." She replied. I rubbed my eyes and straitened my hair. " Well what's your power?" My brother asked. " I----I don't know." " Do you feel different? Or powerful?" "Um kinda-- yeah." I responded. " School!" My mom randomly screamed. " Oh yeah!"

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