First day

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Hello, I'm Sydney Winchester, I was born in New York. My birthday is on Halloween, of 2001. And I'm currently 12 but technically I'm 13 bc my Birthday is tomorrow! Which means I get magic! It runs in the family I guess. I don't know my power yet, but I'm about to find out...

"Sydney, time for bed hun, big day tomorrow!" My mom yelled from downstairs. "Why, what's going on tomorrow?" I asked. " Remember? Your power is revealed?" She replied. " Oh yeah!" I remembered. I quickly got my pjs on and brushed my teeth and hopped in bed. I pulled the covers over my head, and pretended to fall asleep. My mom peeked in the room and looked nervous for some reason. " Good night. " she whispered. " She doesn't know what she's in for." My mom quietly whispered. What she didn't know is that I was listening, and it was loud and clear.

What does she mean I don't know what I'm in for?

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