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I got off the yellow bus and continued to walk, I saw a tall man who had a tuxedo on with a high quality hair cut, he was outside of the door to the school. I approached the man and stared until he would ask me that one question " How may I help you?" The guy exclaimed. " Oh I'm here for the power school." I responded. He put his hand on my back and said "Right this way." He took me into this dark alley, and I was baffled. " What are we doing in here?" I asked. He pulled something out of his back pocket and...... it was a key. I sigh in relief. He placed the key in the lock and twisted. The door elegantly opened. I was amazed by the sight! Their were kids flying, running at the speed of light. And I looked down and their we mermaids and sea dragons underneath me. " Wow! This place is amazing!" I screamed. Everyone awkwardly stared at me for at least 3 seconds and continued, I was blush. What is the guys name I want to thank him for getting me here. I thought. " Oh please call me Mr. Caligham, and you are very welcome." I stood there in awe. " How----" I then realized he had reading minds power, just like my brother. Well it's gonna be hard keeping a secret from you. I thought. " Ahem I can hear you." He said. "D--oh right." He brought me to my dorm room 843 I thanked him and he walked off. I set my bags down and made sure no one was listening or reading my mind. I closed the blinds and locked the door and sat down. I took a deep breath. And lifted my stuff out of  my bag doing all of this without using my hands. "Is everything okay in there?" I voice outside the door asked me, I noticed it was a girl so who is it? " Yeah it's just great!" I answered. " Okay well can you open the door, these bags are kinda heavy!" The voice yelled again. " Omg! I'm so sorry I forgot that I was going to have a dorm buddy." I said while opening the door. " Woah this is our room!" She said. I looked and wondered. To be honest the dorm was pretty dull and it bore me.

I shook my head fast and said " Well, Hi I'm Sydney Winchester

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I shook my head fast and said " Well, Hi I'm Sydney Winchester." " Hi, I'm Amy Holten." She replied. " What's this?" She pulled out a info card from the school. " I- I don't know." I said. It read: Please fill out this card and give it to the principle.

Name: Sydney Winchester, Amy Holten

Age: 13, 14

Power: Telekinesis , Weather,

Birth: October 30th, May 27th

Born Where: New York, Alabama

How/When you got your powers: Runs in the family (both)  When I was 13

We filled out the info and brought it to the principles office. And I was beat so I hit the sack.

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