Weekend news

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I woke up to a shimmering shine of the sun through my window and the smell of fresh pancakes and crippling bacon. (Yawns) " What a beautiful morning." I checked my phone and it read: 10:00 that's how late I sleep in on weekends. Saturday's are my favorite! I slowly made my way out of bed still in my comfy pjs, and messy hair but I don't care. " Sydney! These pancakes aren't going to eat themselves, unless I eat them." My mom said mischievously. " Be down in a bit!" I yelled. " I have some news for you, so hurry up!" She responded. " Alright!" I walked downstairs and saw my mom sitting near the table with her hands cupped. " Okay so what do you need?" I asked. " Sit, Syd sit." My mom commanded. I obeyed my moms demand, and sat down. " So Kinney, I went to the medical magical office and, I'm pregnant!" She yelled. " W-w-w-what!!! P-pregnant!" I was shocked. " And we have to go on a trip to California to see your grandpa before---" "before he leaves I know!" I sniffled. "And we will have to leave without you because you have school." "Oh yeah, when do you leave?" "Monday." My mom answered. "O-ok." I stuttered. "Is it a baby boy or girl?" I asked. "Um that's the thing, the lady said it was a boy but, his power will be an animal." My mom said. " Oh well that's different." "Yeah. Your power teacher sent me a report card." "D-Oh really, what'd he say?" I swallowed loudly. " Why'd don't you see for yourself. I didn't read it." She said. She handed me the card and it read: Dear Sydney, I know you have a secret. And I'll find out, if you don't tell me, there will be serious consequences. Your good o'l friend Big C. "Serious consequences?" I whispered. " Is everything ok between you and Mr. Clark?" She asked. " Yeah yeah everything's fine." I lowered my voice. " Well, I'm going to find out more about this baby and your going to be fine here correct?" My mom asked. " Yeah I'll be fine." I answered.

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