Chapter 6

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As Millie found herself standing in front of Finn's door to his hospital room, her hand hovered over the knob nervously.

Was this it? Was this really her job? Whatever it was, she pushed her anxiety away by converting it into the strength she used to open the hospital door.

For a few minutes Millie stood leaning against the door frame patiently waiting for Finn to look up from his writing he seemed to be inspecting carefully.

A writer. She liked it.

After a few moments, Finn finally looked up and smiled widely at her appearance in the dimly lit room. He waved her over and Millie softly padded her way over to him, plopping down into the seat next to his bed.

"Hey, couldn't sleep?" Her tone was soft and gentle. Her voice was soothing to him, which wasn't really surprising. Millie might be a bright and cheery person, but she could also be very calm and gentle.

Maybe that's why everyone who knew her truly would call her "The Healing Angel".

Finn only shrugged though. "Better to be awake, while I can....right?" He attempted to smile though it immediately faltered.

Millie grabbed his hand, looking into his eyes seriously. He was slightly startled, but he admired her all the same. She was a mix of almost everything and he liked it. A lot.

"Finn Wolfhard, you listen here and you listen well. Do not think like that, you've still got life ahead of you. Why think of all the bad possibilities when you could be thinking on the brighter side of life!"

He hadn't really thought about it that way, for a while at least. Finn looked up at the girl who still grasped his hand and gave her a slight smile. "Thanks, Mills. You're right."

Millie winked and he held up his hand. "High-five!" She put her hand up smiling excitedly, which she seemed to do a lot. "Yay!" That made Finn laugh.

"Here, like this." He made sure she still held her hand up, and Finn hit it softly. "A high-five. See?"

She looked at the hand he had just high-fived and nodded in approval. "Cool."

Millie didn't really want to leave, but she felt that she should because someone would come soon and demand to know who she was.

"I've got to get going. I'll see you around okay?" She stood up to leave, but Finn stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

"Meet me here tomorrow morning. Please?" Millie smiled her gentle and bright smile. "Of course."

With that she seemed to move airily out the door, but maybe it was just a trick of the mind.

Once she arrived outside, Millie turned to study her surroundings as the warm wind blew against her face.

Her gaze shifted to a tree, that looked to be a comfortable one. She didn't really have anywhere else to go, and it didn't seem to be occupied.

After a few failed attempts, the girl finally got herself situated in her little tree hide out.

It wasn't as comfortable as it could've possibly been, though it was perfect enough to lull Millie off to sleep as the soft sound of wind chimes helped to guide her.

This was a start to a new and confusing  life for the girl, though it was definitely one worth living.

Angel Of Healing (Fillie) {On Hold}Where stories live. Discover now