Chapter 2

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Outside of the hospital it would've been a perfectly normal cloudy day.

If a puff of sparkles in the shape of girl hadn't erupted in the middle of the parking lot.

As the sparkles faded away a girl with very short brown hair took their place.

The girl looked around, amazed at the fact that she was actually here, even if here meant being in hospital parking lot.

She knew who she was. Millie Bobby Brown was her name.

Taking a look at herself for the first time she saw that she was wearing a light blue shirt that was ruffled, accompanied with a thin black bow. A black skirt with a silver button on it, while black flats adorned her feet.

Nodding, deciding she liked the outfit, Millie turned her attention to the building in front of her.

She smoothed down her skirt and made her way to the front doors. She marveled at the fact that when she stepped in front of the doors, they moved aside for her.

But the automatic doors weren't the only thing that surprised her. It was the reflection of herself. Millie smiled, she liked the way she looked.

Pushing those thoughts aside, she stepped through the door, welcomed by a boring, dull place.

Millie had one task. The only reason she was here anyways.

Her job was to heal her designated person. Millie didn't know who that was yet, but she'd find out soon enough. All she had to do was look for someone with blue smoke surrounding them (which of course, was only visible to her).

In the lobby, people in white jackets milled about, while a group of people sat clustered together in the middle of the room, others pacing in front of them.

Millie skimmed the clusters, seeing no one with her colored smoke, or anyone that had a sign they could be related to her designated person.

A woman behind the front desk noticed the strange girl and spoke up. "Good afternoon young lady. Is there anything I can help you with?" This startled Millie for a second before she briskly made her way to the desk.

"Just looking for someone." The woman smiled kindly. "Surely I can find them. Who are you looking for?"

The young girl bit her lip. Who exactly was she looking for? Millie didn't even know herself.

"Oh I don't know yet. But I will when I find them." Millie smiled brightly and turned on her heel, heading in the direction of the left hall.

If someone had been looking closely enough, they would have noticed that once Millie passed the lights above her, they glowed just a bit brighter. Or when how the scuffs on the marble floor faded beneath Millie's flats. No one noticed and that was okay. They were the kind of things you realized changed but just couldn't tell exactly what did.

Millie had searched three floors, looking through windows, looking through cracked doors, scanning the hallways, pretty much everything.

Until she noticed a young girl with a sign. Not the blue smoke, but a sign that she was related to who Millie was looking for.

Taking a deep breath and placed a sincere smile on her face, Millie headed in the direction of the girl prepared to say hello.

                      |Short Note|
So I received a message from someone in my messages that I'd like to answer. I couldn't answer due to the fact that Wattpad will accept none of my emails, so your question will be answered here (you know who you are, if you joined me here again ;))

Hello! The book that I have based this off of is called "New Beginnings" by Victoria Schwab. The series is called "Everyday Angel". Although the love story part of this was originally created by me. Thanks so much for enjoying and I can't wait to write more!

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