Chapter 4

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-There I told you it would get better. Also I try to fix my grammar blah blah before I upload, so please tell me what I missed. I feel as if I'm talking to myself because I am pretty sure no ones reading this. Please comment or something-

    The men laughed and walked away matching each other stride for stride, while discussing meat prices. My stomach roiled. Just the the thought of those innocent horse being killed for dog food or foreign delicacies made me want to puke. Oh no, I think I am going to puke. I ran into the woods and emptied my stomach.

   Now, down to business. I went back toward the field, and climbed a tree near the edge. I watched untill I was sure the men were gone.

  I walked up to the trailer. I tugged at the latch but it wouldn't give way.

I stopped. Concentrated.

And pulled with all my strength. The door came free with a bang. The horses streamed out, all following the tall bay stallion. A sorrel raced past, close beside her was a leggy bay colt. A grey mare whipped out her tail streaming. Last but not least a chestnut beauty ran out. They took my breath away. The pounding hooves of the horses, echoed and their neck stretched.

   I watched oblivious to the aproaching men. In fact I remained absorbed untill a hand on my shoulder whipped me around. I stared at the two men towering above me with distinctly not nice expressions on their face. I gulped.

"There a specific reason your standing there?" one asked.

"Umm" I said utterly lost in comebacks. Suddenly a bolt of fury ripped through me.

 "Is there a specific reason your killing horses?" I countered.

"Don't sas me them crowbait were my property." The second one snarled

"Hey ain't you the little runaway?" the first one asked.

"So what if I am" I said, and with toss of my hair I stalked away.

I heard the stupid 'cowboys' conversing behind me.

"Didn't her old man post a reward?"

" Pretty sure, Let's turn her in and collect those wages we just lost"

My heart felt like lead. I was going back. Well, probably, only if I didn't outwit the stupids. I had to hide. I mounted Sophie and trotted away. I came to the tree I napped in earlier and climbed it. I sat there the rest of the night to wired to sleep. Sophie trotted nervously  around me, clearly feeling my anxiety.

    The next day I searched for a place to hide. There didn't seem to be any place. I sat down in frustration. A little stream snaked through the area. Next to it was a willow tree. An idea struck me. I quickly ran to it and collected all the little twigs and branches. I trotted away awkwardly with my bundle. I went back to the trees and laid out my bundle.

 I climbed up and wove the bendy branches into a thick part of the tree and wove the bendy branches in and around the branches. I put the bag above me and sighed, laying down. I climbed down and saw my new shelter was not very visible from the ground. I smiled. Next I started making some defenses.

On the run with a horse (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now