Chapter 6: The Outbreak

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The next day came and I still felt really sick, but I did not know if it was what my mother had or just because it’s been cold.  I seen the doctor preparing something in his hands, it looks like little leaves that he’s mashing together. He turns around and looks at me and says

“Do you still have the pimples on your body?” he asked

“Yes I do they hurt, but also they itch really bad.” I said to him.

“Ok I am going to rub these herbs on your pimples so hopefully in a day or two your pimples will go away.” He said in a friendly voice. Then he lays me down on the cold table with straps on it and he starts rubbing these leaves on my pimples. I sit their thinking what happened to my mom and where are my dad and brother? I did not know and it’s not like I can sneak out of here to go find them because there is a guard at the door blocking it to make sure that I don’t escape.

“There I will check on you in a few to make sure that its working.” Said the doctor. After he left around the corner I tried wiping this stuff off because I don’t know what it will do for all I know I could die from this. As I was wiping the herbs off my body started burning like I was standing in fire. My body started swelling up and it was like I was numb I could not feel a thing, but I started yelling for  the doctor to come back.

“Doctor Come back something terrible is happening!” I said in a scared trebling voice.

“What is it boy I am very busy today I don’t have time for games.” Said the annoyed doctor.

“My whole body feels like its swelling and I am numb all over.” The doctor looked at me with a weird face and then started studying the affected areas of which was swelling.

“Well looks like you are having an allergic reaction to the herbs that I gave you.” Said the doctor very curiously.  The doctor turns around and goes to his medicine cabinet to see if he could try anything to make a cure for what I have. I can hear him mumbling to himself about what he is going to put in this vial that he’s holding.

“hmm what do I want to put in here, hmmm how about some morning glory and maybe some mushrooms.” Then I see him throwing these things into the vial, but it had like a red color to it more like an apple red. He walks over to me with the red looking vial and he cleanses my arm so he can stick the needle in.

“Ouch that hurt that got me right in the muscle, but I’m most likely going to be sore for a couple of days.”  I could feel the medicine running through my body I was scared of what the effects of it would be. At first nothing happened I was just waiting for something to happen, but then I had a sharp pain in my arm like my arm was being burned. Then I saw like a bruise like look on my arm where he injected me at, the small hole from where the needle went in at started looking a little red and green at the same time.

“What is wrong with this spot why does have a color?” I asked very worriedly. He looked at it for a moment then looked at me and said

“Oh I used the same needle as before I wanted to see what would happen if I used the same needle.” He said very happily, sort of like that’s what he wanted to happen. The doctor took me and strapped me down to a table so in case if I had pain I don’t just run around, but he wanted me to endure pain. While I was being strapped down to this table a guard came through the door with a worried but serous look on his face.

“Doctor we have a problem some of our guards has gotten sick and we need your help by curing them.” The guard said in a trembling voice.

“Ok I’ll be out in a minute.” The doctor said. After I got finished being strapped down the doctor grabbed his bag and took off out the door. As I lie there I can’t help but thinking about my mom and dad and especially my big brother, and I’m wondering what happened to dad and Jason. Right as I was day dreaming about them I started to feel better but the spot on my arm was not ok. It was hurting really bad, it felt like somebody taking a knife and just stabbing you in your muscle a thousand times. A few more minutes later the doctor came through the door with at least three soldiers and they had pimples on them as well, but also they looked red just like mom.  The doctor took them behind this curtain looking thing I guess so he could examine them, but I still sit here strapped down to this cold table. One by one the soldiers came out and they stood over near the guard standing at the door.

“Well I don’t know exactly what you have but I’m going to need samples so I can test it.” Said the concerned doctor. So the doctor took a small knife and cut a piece of the infected areas, then took it to what looks like a microscope. I remember learning about this in school right before the war starting, and it works by magnifying or zooming in on whatever you were studying.  The doctor stayed up for days looking at this mysterious specimen, and he would stop everyone in a while to check on me.  I just kept telling him the same thing the same spot where he injected me hurts a lot.

“Oh it will be ok just give it a few more days to heal.”  Said the impatient doctor.

“Ok I just don’t want to get sick.” I said to him. My arm just kept hurting for days and he just keeps saying it will be fine. I feel weaker and weaker everyday and I do not know why, but I just hope it gets better soon I’m worried.  Then all of sudden the doctor yells at the top of his lungs because he just found out what the soldiers had. The doctor is mumbling to himself about what he had discovered, and he’s so angry at the soldiers.

“This can only be spread by….” Mumbling to himself.  The doctor left the shack for just a moment and he brought in the three soldiers from days ago.

“I got a question for all three of you. What have you been doing for the past week?” Said the angry doctor. All three of the soldiers tried replying at the same time and said the same thing.

“What do you mean sir?” said the three soldiers.

“I mean what you three have is called Herpes. It’s an STD that is transmitted through UN protected intercourse. We have no women in our staff so I know you must have been doing that with prisoners.”

The first soldiers said “Well sir they were UN cooperative with us so we taught them a lesson.”

“Well you three have it and now you all are stuck with it there is no cure.” Said the angry doctor

“We are sorry sir we did not mean for this to happen but what do we do?” said the worried soldier

“Well the only thing to do is to send you back home so that you do not infect no one else and or die here.” Said the doctor. The doctor called the head officer and ordered that everyone should be tested including the prisoners because they don’t want anyone getting infected especially their staff. It took about a week to get everyone tested and come to find out the whole entire staff was infected but the doctor so they was trying to get more soldiers in their so we could send the sick ones home. When it came to the prisoners about eighty percent was infected. The doctor called this the outbreak of “the UN curable disease”.  I just hope my dad and brother don’t have this disease because I don’t want them to die and or be sent away.

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