32 | The real you

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{Rigmor POV}

My muscles were more tired than they had ever been. I leaned my elbows on the side of the ship, staring out over the water, looking at the waves softly rippling in the wind as fog hovered above the lake.

The Dwarfs behind me were either laughing or sleeping, everyone tired from the many events which had occurred. Myrna was sitting on the deck, playing a word game with Ori and Bofur whilst Thorin was chatting with Balin about how the adventure could go now the truth about Smaug was clear.

"Things turn out differently than I thought."

I slightly jumped at a sudden voice.
"Oh... Hello Bilbo." I turned away, not wanting to face him, for I knew he must be disappointed in me. It had consumed my thoughts for the last hour, but I knew I couldn't avoid him forever.

"When you said you weren't who I thought you was, I was very confused. Now, it just all seems to click together."

I sighed, closing my eyes.
"Well, now you know who I am. More important, what I am."

He stood next to me, leaning over the side of the ship as well, mirroring my position. Despite the fog, we were able to see a few fish swim in front of the barge.

"Well, what are you then?"

I opened my eyes again, my eyes finding Bilbo.
His gaze was sincere, his lips curved upwards in a small smile.

"I am... I am a cursed woman with a horrible past. I am capable of killing without any weapons but the liquid that gives life most. That easy. A person needs water to live, but I need it to kill. that's what I am, cursed. I am a monster, people are afraid of me. I am an abandoned child, left to die by her parents in a cold prison. My only friends are Myrna and Smaug, the ones that will truly understand me. No one knows how it feels to be this powerful. You can envy us or torture us into submission to be your slaves. But no one knows how it truly feels, the feel of being capable of such things... That, Bilbo, makes me a monster."

A short silence fell over us. When a tear streamed down my cheek, Bilbo spoke up.

"No. I don't think I can agree. I knew you were special from the very beginning. You are very calm, yet you know what to do in the most difficult of situations. You are sweet and caring and would risk everything for your friends. You are a strong, independent woman who stands for what she fights for. You are the first woman I ever became this close with. Rigmor, you haven't been out of my mind for just a second since I met you. You are special. Everyone around here knows that, even Thorin. We are very fond of you."

I flushed at his words, looking at my feet embarrassed. I looked him in the eye and I knew he was speaking the truth. When he embraced me, I wrapped my arms around his smaller form and buried my head in his hair.

"You know, Bilbo Baggins, that the road ahead won't be easy. It can even become more dangerous now we have shown our powers. Gandalf gave us the task to keep these powers hidden, but we had to use them eventually. The Orcs will chase us, but we can fight back. However, I don't know for how long."

Bilbo hummed as his head rested against my shoulder. The hug was warm and welcoming, exactly how I imagined embracing the Halfling would feel.
"I understand, but whatever happens, I will be here."

I pulled back from the hug, turning towards the water again.

"Thank you, Bilbo, for saying those kind words to me. You know, you're the first member of the Company I ever liked. You aren't rude but know what to do, and besides you are the humblest person I've ever met. Yet I am afraid that you will grow scared of me in the end. What you just saw, trust me, there is more where that came from. Way more."

The boat fluctuated a bit, making us grab the edges of the wooden barge.

"I think I will never be capable of being scared of you. I knew the real you before I knew the powerful you. That's a fact and it will never change. No matter what will happen, I will be here for you, because I know what hides beneath that powerful, lethal you. The real you. Rigmor... I want to risk it all... For you."

His hand reached for my hair and brushed a blonde strand from my face. I swallowed thickly as he stepped closer. Instinctively, I took half a step back.

"What... What are you doing?"
He smiled slightly, his eyes containing something I had never seen before. "Something I've been wanting to do for quite a while."

He cupped my cheeks with both hands and before I knew it, he brought his lips to mine, connecting them in a sweet kiss.

I instantly melted, kissing him back softly. He tilted his head a little to the side and my fingers curled themselves around the lapels of his coat, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. Our mouths fitted together like puzzle pieces.

After a few seconds, Bilbo pulled back, slightly out of breath as he gazed at my face intensely.

"I think..." Bilbo whispers. "I think I am in love with you."

"Oh..." I mused with a face as hot as fire. "I think you're sure of it. And I feel the same, Bilbo Baggins..."

I kissed him again and felt his arms wrap themselves around my waist. Our little intimate moment had been noticed by the others: wolf whistles were suddenly audible from the Company.
We pulled back for air, turning towards the Company with flushed cheeks.

Myrna gave me a thumbs up as the Dwarfs started to approach Bilbo in order to congratulate him.

"Finally!" my best friend cheered as she hugged me.
I laughed, hugging her back. A proud smile covered her face.

"I knew you had it in you." I rolled my eyes.
"Oh stop it, you."

We gazed out over the water again, the fog starting to rise from the waters. Large rocks emerged from the distance as the amounts ice floes started to increase.
Bilbo stood next to me, taking my hand in his. I squeezed it gently, assuring him that I knew he was there.

For a moment, just this moment, everything seemed perfect. I knew a dangerous road would be ahead, but I was glad I could risk it.

And I inhaled, exhaled and cherished just this moment.


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