26 | Verdict

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{Rigmor POV}

I slowly dragged my fingers over the floor, wiping aside the grains of sand that covered it.

"What are you doing?" I looked up at a frowning Myrna, who was sitting on her bed, her wrists still shackled.
"Trying to kill the time by drawing figures in the sand. There is hardly enough though."

"Dull..." she said, falling back against the wall. I sighed, swiping a digit across the ground.

"How long have we been here?" I pondered, gazing out of the prison door.
"Hm... Two days?" I narrowed my eyes.
"It feels like forever..."

"Time passes slow here." Cedrick commented, playing with the lock on his door. The metal made a screeching sound.
"Me and Taeryn, we've been here for at least a year. We ran out of ways to entertain ourselves."

"That must be horrible." He shrugged, kicking the iron bars absentmindedly.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps was heard.
"Get them out, don't let them escape." a voice demanded, "They might hold secret information that we do not know about. Orders of the King."

Two guards marched towards our cell and I jumped up, a bit stunned by their sudden appearance. After unlocking the door, they barged in to grab our wrists.

I was bound by the shackles yet again, much to my dismay.
"Where are we going?"
"Silence, inmate."

"Oh so that's what we are now?" Myrna sneered while a guard pushed her in her lower back harshly.

"Yes, I know how to walk forward, but thanks for the reminder though." her voice sounded through the room.
"I said silence!"

We were led to the huge hall we had passed a few days ago, something that seemed like the throne room. We approached the king-like Elf that was seated on his throne, his hideous antler crown placed on his long blonde hair again.

"Ah, you brought them here Solomon. Thank you."
"Yes, king Thranduil."

The brunet Elf bowed slightly and left the room, along with most other Elves. The ones that stayed behind were the guards, Legolas and the king himself.

"Rigmor and Myrna... Why are you two here?" He raised from his seat and towered far above us. "You told us you were just passing through to find a way into Lake Town, but we informed our dear registers and found that the two of you weren't on their list of citizens."

Myrna bowed her head. "We just wanted to visit a friend from long ago." Thranduil halted, looking down onto my friend.
"Don't lie to me!" He barked. "I know a refugee when I see one!"

"Father, don't yell at her, please."
Oh, so Legolas was his son then.

"Silence my child! Don't interrupt me when I put prisoners on trial, don't even decide to judge my actions! I can shout at who I want, is that clear? Why do you care about her, anyways?"

Legolas took a step forward so he stood in between Myrna and Thranduil. "Those ladies are exhausted, perhaps ill and malnourished. They were having a clear reason for being in our forest, you are just overreacting!"

Thranduil nodded towards a guard who grabbed his son by the arm to lead him away.
"Father, no!"

Myrna frowned at me and I shook my head, not knowing what was going on.
"So, where were we?"

The Elven king muttered, turning towards Myrna again.

"You are two refugees hoping for my aid or a nice place to hide from whatever you're running from... Tell me. What did you expect to find?"

Myrna gritted her teeth. "Just a safe way to get to Lake Town without having to walk hundreds of miles around your woods, isn't that enough?"

Thranduil shook his head, folding his hands on his back, puffing out his chest majestically.
"Not for me, human. What were you doing outside of your region anyways? There hasn't been any sign of a human on this grounds for a long time."

"Yet here we are, blondie senior." The eyes of the Elf filled with anger.

"How dare you be so disrespectful to me! Your life lies in my hands, just think about that!" He swallowed, walking towards his throne again.

"For your sentence, now... Lying to me isn't taken as a light crime, no... Still denying it when I find out the truth makes it even worse."

He sat down, crossing his long legs one over the other, his long gown spread out over the ground before him.

"Also, trespassing on my grounds and wasting the time of my hunters... Add with that the fact that my son just yelled at me over it... Thus, I sentence both of you to fifty years imprisonment!"

I gasped, Myrna struggling against her shackles again while starting to contradict against the Elf.
"Who do you think you are?! Fifty years, we will be old when we get out of here! We aren't going to be as old as you damn Elves are!"

The king frowned, a small smile starting to form on his face.
"Oh, yeah, I nearly forgot. Let's play it a bit nicer, shall I?"

He stood up again, looking at his guards.
"Volodar, Zaor, take them away and bring them to the mines. Let's give them something to do and let them work in the mines instead. At least, then they will do something useful around here. See if that bird still sings after this treatment."

He glared at Myrna as we got roughly pushed towards the exit.
"No! You swine!" We were about to walk out as we nearly got walked over by an Elf that seemed to be in a rush.

"My king!" he bellowed, trying to catch his breath. "There are Dwarfs, my lord."

From the entrance of the palace, a long string of shackled Dwarfs was walking, all staring at the ground.

"Blimey! If those gals aren't Myrna and Rigmor!" Bofur exclaimed, causing the others to look up.
"Where have you two been? We thought you'd gotten lost!"

Cheers emitted from the Company as my eyes tried to find one certain member, but he wasn't there. "How did you two end up here?"

"Silence!!" The king shouted, his voice echoing through the halls of his palace.

"I want Thorin Oakenshield and his men in prison right now! The girls will go with them, since they seem to be familiar with each other!"

A bit relieved, I got back to my cell, poked in the back by a drawn bow.

"That could've gone better, but at least, now we are all in prison." Myrna huffed before rolling her eyes,

"That could be so..." I muttered, sitting down next to Fili in our cell. "... But where is Bilbo?"

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