25 | Silent tongues

240 10 7

{Myrna POV}

"Quit it, Rigmor. She is not going to respond, isn't that clear?" I muttered, shifting in my painful position against the wall .

"At least we should try to get something out of her. She might just be a bit shy."

The boy in the other cell laughed.
"Shy? My girl isn't shy." he said, trying to look at her as he spoke.
"Too bad you two can't

see each other." Rigmor whispered, since they were in cells next to each other and the doors were far apart. The guy nodded.

"So, your name is Rigmor if I recall correctly?" I rolled my eyes as I watched them socialize.
"That's right. May I ask yours?"

"It's Cedrick. My girl over there, her name's Taeryn. What's miss Grumpy's name?"

I groaned. "Don't call me that!"
He shrugged.
"What are you going to do about it, miss Grumpy? Might as well call you Grumpy anyways."

I stood up, heading over to the door.
"Listen mister thinks-he's-so-clever, Carl or whatever the hell your name is! You have no idea who I am and what I am capable of!"

Rigmor's hand touched my arm to keep me calm, but I swatted it away. "No!"

He chuckled lightly. My eye fell on the girl named Taeryn, again she was sitting in her corner like the day before.

"You there! Why don't you see what an arsehole your boyfriend is, hm? You aren't such a nice gal either! Haven't said a word since we are here, how rude!"

My wrists were hurting, I was hungry and most of all very, very tired. All emotions poured out at once.

"If I get those bindings off, I'll show you something!"
"Then we better don't unlock them, should we?" a familiar voice sounded.

The Elf who the voice belonged to appeared in front of our cell.
"Good morning, ladies. Your breakfast!" Legolas smiled, pushing a tray under our door.

I tilted my head, narrowing my eyes slightly. He raised an eyebrow, his smirk still not disappearing.
"What?" I snapped. He gave me a smug grin.
"A thank you would be nice, but I kind of like your fire... You'll make a fine slave, Myrna. Rigmor, if you would be so kind to stick your hands out?"

She did as she was asked and he unlocked her shackles. Rigmor started massaging her wrists immediately, but when I held my arms out, the Elf shook his head.

"Are you kidding me?" I locked eyes with him, giving him a death glare.
"If you truly knew who we were, we would have you trembling right here at our feet. And I would let you kiss them, Blondie."

Legolas chuckled, shaking his head.
"You really don't know when to quit, do you?" he muttered before walking away.

"Great job intimidating him, lass." I rolled my eyes at Cedrick.
"Shut your mouth. How am I even supposed to eat this?!"
"Calm down, Myrna." Rigmor assured, "I'll help you, come."

We sat down on the edge of our bed and she fed me pieces of bread.
"I feel like a baby."
"Then quit acting like one. Eat up."

I bit down in a piece of apple and chewed aggressively while staring in the distance. Cedrick had seated himself with his back against the iron bars of his cell, eating a salad while humming a song I did not know.

"How did you and Taeryn meet?" Rigmor asked, pushing a piece of carrot in my mouth to prevent me from trying to speak.

"Long ago. We lived in Lake Town. I found her roaming the streets on her own, cold and malnourished."
"So you took her in?"

I swallowed a piece of strawberry. Those weren't as good as the ones at Rhosgobel.

"Yes, I did. Soon, I fell in love with her." A fond smile grew on his face.
"The feelings were, lucky me, mutual."

I rolled my eyes. "Lucky you." I managed to get out before getting lettuce stuffed into my mouth.

"Are you two together for long?" He nodded, swallowing his food.
"Yes, for almost two years now."
"that's fantastic!" Rigmor said, giving me the final slice of fruit.

"How did you two end up here, if I may ask?" His face stiffened as if she had found a weak spot.

"I'd rather not talk about that right now."
"Fair enough."

She helped me drink from a tankard of water while she asked on.

"Is she a bit shy? You said she wasn't, but she hasn't said a word. Not that I am complaining, but I would like to get to know her."

Cedrick shook his head.
"No, she isn't shy. Thing is, she is a mute. Ever since I met her, she hasn't said a word."
"Yet you fell in love with her."

I whispered after taking a sip, my voice a bit too genuine for my own good.
"I did."

"That explains a lot." I looked at my lap, the slightest bit of guilt starting to nag at me. "Sorry for yelling at you. Neither of you deserved that. Everything is becoming a bit much, you know. But the situation is no excuse to say vile words to you, since you have nothing to do with it."
I told Taeryn, looking her in the eye.

She smiled, just a tiny smile, followed by a gentle nod.

"Sweetie, why don't you come closer to us?" Cedrick asked her. "That makes you part of the conversation as well."

She hesitated but obeyed, crawling towards the door. Her hair was red and wavy. It was cut off right above the shoulders and seemed dry and full of knots. I could only imagine for how long she hadn't brushed it.

Her eyes were grey, curious pupils looked over at us. Around her body, a peculiar, beige outfit was wrapped.


Her hands made a sign as if she was greeting us.

"Hello." Rigmor said, a small smile on her face. I waved back at Taeryn, who grinned.

"Nice to meet you, Taeryn." I said. She signed something but Cedrick interrupted me as I tried to tell her I did not know what she meant.

"I will translate it for you. She said : 'Nice to meet you too, I am not angry at you that you yelled at me'."

I hummed.
"Good." Sitting back against the wall, I felt a bit more comfortable in this place, even if it only meant we made some new possible friends for now.

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